Rita & Chips continued

4:19 pm Saturday, 10th September, 2011


18/5 went with Rit down to Kent for a meeting with AP on restructuring company - excellent meeting and celebrated with lunch. Found ticket on car when got back - Ringo had placed me in Chiswick! Will appeal. Drove home to meet gardeners who cleared back garden - looks almost normal! Watched TV on sofa - drank rose bubbly and then couple of Tequila shots. Started to play- experimented with slapping and leather belt - turned out very exciting... Ended up peeing and coming almost simultaneously.. Worth revisiting.. Collapsed into bed again!!
19/5 up early - started to make love but Rit's P started gushing - so had to abandon!!! Went off to Msoft seminar in Victoria- train/tube journey - became a sardine!. Rit off to Zumba class and session with Hus. R spent 4 hrs in gym! Long seminar - some useful points came out . Bought nice black suit at lunchtime. Met Rit - looking spectacular! Rit said I looked very Zuma in new suit. Had 2 Margaritas in Browns in Victoria and then headed to Sadlers Wells. Taken by surprise by National Anthem but turned round to see Prince Edward and entourage! Fabulous ballet- sexy, colorful, vibrant. Caught tube/train home - collapsed into bed - slept.
20/5 Up early to office. Rit went to have lunch with L in Fulham. I went for training session- back to change and then off to Westbury.Had ok meal at Artisan but had lots of tequila - some xxx - tried to find Westbury club - but turned out to be pub on Edgware Road so never made it

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