Prison Break - Season 5

4:09 pm Sunday, 9th April, 2017


This show is one of my favorites. Season 4's last air date was back in May 2009. Goodness! I'm very much hooked in the first two seasons of Prison Break but I kinda lost interest after they were able to go out of prison. It's really hard to maintain quality episodes as seasons go along and I think there's only a handful of TV series that were that great despite hitting 5+ seasons. I think I'd deep dive to that in another entry but let me focus on Prison Break. 

I was fascinated with Michael Scofield's character - smart, pragmatic, confident and looks good in a suit. He's one of the few reasons why I decided to cut my hair that short. Now that they are back with a new season, it somehow gives me another reason to cut my hair short again. That and the summer heat. I just need to lose some extra weight. #hellosummerbody

Blog Introduction


A guy who is tall, dark & witty who seeks substantial conversations in between rounds.