Travel and in-betweens

7:15 am Monday, 6th March, 2017


As a new member of AH, the first thing that I did was to look over some profiles and see which ones are interesting for me. This includes reading through the various hobbies as listed in their profile. Travelling seems to be an aspect connected with a lot of the members I have encountered and this does not surprise me much. 

Today, it's very easy to go have an adventure whether local or foreign. One just needs to look up the information online, book a flight and viola - travel. Going alone sure has its perks but for some being in groups is more enjoyable (and less risky). I remember my first trip abroad. We were five in the group, all guys visiting Disneyland HK. Morning was for sight-seeing, evening was for *sight-seeing.*. We were still very young then with much vigor that we can go all night clubbing and meeting people and then have another day trip the following morning with just one hour of (yes) interrupted sleep. We don't care much if the plane and/or train was economy class or if we find us a cab or have to walk the distance in our backpacks. Heck, we don't even mind budget hotels where we sleep in bunk beds.

This is the aspect of travelling that I miss the most. Business trips are only good for its comfort. But at the end of the day, it is still business. The suit and tie ruins the sense of adventure when you think that after the plane lands, and you get picked up by your designated company car you are pretty much heading to an office. You get to enjoy life at night only you are too tired and would just prefer a relaxing massage at the hotel.

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