Slowing down the chase

11:33 pm Friday, 3rd March, 2017


I have realised that I am slowing down my goal chase not because I am loosing interest (because that couldn't be further from the truth) but because I want to experience many of the subtle, rarely mentioned, nuances with being en femme (be that CD, TV or TS/TG). This realisation was triggered by an offer from one of my friends on this site. In my headlong rush (which is normal for me according to my very supportive partner) I had forgotten to "stop and smell the roses" metaphorically speaking. There are so many very subtle way that I can improve my en femme persona. It is remarkable how much can hinge upon a mannerism, a simple action or just a way of presenting myself in public.

This realisation is not discouraging me from experimenting but rather the total opposite.



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