Alms...Alms...Spare Me None of That

5:30 pm Thursday, 2nd March, 2017


Money questions are bad for the mojo, don't you know?

'It's very, VERY insulting to be asked 'how much' when the profile doesn't say anything about paid sex or any requirement to pay.  How I wish you keep these differences taken into account when someone visits a profile".

My hot little fingers couldn't type fast enough as I shot back my response to this inane question. Tsk tsk tsk

So If I gave a fair estimate, should I charge by the hour, per square inch of erogenous flesh, by the number of positions, spills, grunts, or even the size of the bed which will serve as an altar of desire for a worthy sacrifice?

Speaking of size, how about I reward with a discount the gentleman whose turgid, thrusting member exceeds my minimum requirement of SEVEN inches? He'll get a BANG for every BUCK of my yearning hips. A hundred percent discount even for filling by body with delicious tremors on the way to sex heaven!

I have no issues with the words 'paid sex' appearing on profiles, I admire the honesty there. I'd raise an eyebrow for every fellow who uses his hard-earned money to compensate a partner (unless she is your wife). 

Will the amount be worth the trouble? If I am in for a rough game, should I at least require a waiver along with an invoice for medical reimbursement?

I have no need for this harassment. Call me babe, tell me you're horny, tell me how you'll do me, but don't ever assume that a payment is what I require.I've had a sexcort voluntarily waive his fees just so he could have a piece of seventh heaven. He never asked for anything, just 'let's meet again?' 

Instead of payment, offer a lady to buy some fun, sexy toys, some lacy underthings. a sparkling piece of jewelry...or a sparkling drink. It's the most decent thing you can provide a good girl who's wicked in the sheets.

(Now I wonder, can I ask for a payment to write an impressive review?)


7:33 pm Saturday, 4th March, 2017 llionemi

Even in an rant, you sound wickedly hot!

3:10 pm Thursday, 4th May, 2017 trollerpewpew

i love every blog you write ma'am. its like you're talking to me.

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