Sorry, no anal. It

7:47 am Thursday, 2nd March, 2017


It's painful if done too quickly, and not making her horny if done right. Remember, that hole is for exit only. If you think it's fun, try having suppositories shoved up there, and you'll get the drift.

Sure, lots of ladies say they enjoy it. Good for them! Maybe they enjoy the feeling of being suffocated also, but if they enjoy it, fine. Other folks don't enjoy it, so please respect it.

The times I tried pushing into a tight little butthole wasn't as fun as it seems in porn videos. Sure, it feels tight all around the cock, but that just it: just feels tight. Not like a tight pussy that feels like it's grabbing your cock as you pull it out. Or like a mouth that drips saliva onto your penis just before it is engulfed in warm wetness. And sometimes when I push deep, the tip of my dick hits you know what. Not a fun thought. It feels much better to push deep in a pussy, because you'll feel a tightness around the head just before it pops through and you've gone past the cervix and the tip's in the lady's uterus. And that is what is called a deep fuck. Also feels a lot better for the lady.

That's why anal sex is not our thing. It's just not as good as they say it is. But that's us.


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