What does it take to run long distance runs, on the road or on the bed?

2:40 am Wednesday, 15th February, 2017


What does it take to be able to run long distance runs, dive deep free dives, climb extremely difficult climbs, win martial arts tournament?  It is no different from writing poems, composing music, writing songs, and coming out with a novel.  It is no different with innovating or inventing a new technology that gives you a better business enterprise.

Convenience is cheap.  It is easy to get and so it is cheap. Too much of it makes you unhealthy.

Relationships are difficult.  They require work.  They require creativity.  You pay for them in work and tears.  That is why it is expensive.

If one has passion, expensive is not a reason to back out.  It challenges you.  You become creative. You innovate.  You invent.

The pyramids of Egypt have been built with passion.  The same with the ziggurats of Persia.  The same with the city of Machu Pichu.  The same with the monuments of Easter Island.

Squirts one works for.  Multiple orgasms, the same.  They need passion.

I have seen women here who have shunned NSAs. They are the brave.  They are the passionate. I congratulate them. Stand your ground! You know who you are!

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