Size of a penis matters?

1:22 am Monday, 6th February, 2017


Does it matter ? And why ! Do women want a dick to reach up to their stomach? It is not the size of the ship rather the skill of the captain steering the ship . I would love to hear intelligent women's thoughts on this.


10:46 am Monday, 6th February, 2017 eroticgoddess

Intelligent woman here.   Honestly.

Seems men who are small always bring in the "it's the skill" part and larger men seem to think they can bang away with no skill and it'll satisfy.  Generalization, that, of course.  

In my opinion, it just depends on the person.  Some woman want large, some want small, and some of us really do care more about WHO we are with than what size he is. 

In the end, men seem to have more of a hang up over size than women do.

11:12 am Monday, 6th February, 2017 erik33

Using the feminine part of my brain (To allow me to comment) and hopefully intelligent!!
I think EG is correct in her analysis (as always). Since I can't do anything about my penis size, I have never worried about it, but I have to say, that when I have seen a whopper I have wondered what it would be like to have one. Wondered, not as distinct from worried. I hope that when involved in sexual activity I am sentient to my partners needs and have endeavoured to meet those to the best of my ability. I have had partners who have said that large members were uncomfortable and small ones hit the G spot better. Statistically, 'gay men' have slightly larger penis than 'straight,' for what that is worth.
Hopefully, these days, we are able to discuss our sexual needs and if that means I need to use a vibrator or penile extension to satisfy my partner, so be it.

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