Mr One Night Stand For Ladies Fun

9:10 am Thursday, 2nd February, 2017


One Night Stand Have A Pretty Terrible Reputation.You Imagine The Stumbling Awkwardness of two strangers coming together after a long Night Of Appletini's and shared misery.The sex is "Meh" at best and leaves both parties feeling disappointed at best,and down right shitty at worst.
But I don't think it has to be this way.I have over the past few months started to open myself up to the possibility that good sex,or good connection can happen between two people who don't necessarily intend on spending the rest their lives together.As we get older.we tend to Reserve our best moves and most intimate exclusively for people who we are in a Relationship with.This sound great in theory but in practice it means we can go for months without connecting sexually to someone.that sucks,it also makes finding a partner more and more of a life long mission and we Slip into the "Destiny Mentality" that there is our one love and there our soulmate...... which as you bullshit.
Instead of rushing from Relationship to mediocre Relationship in order to connection sexually and intimately with someone.It feels absolutely Mind blowing to create that connection with someone.
who you have no intentions of moving in with or having babies with,A person who Treats you with Respect and love and kindness can do so for the rest of our life.Or for the rest of the afternoon. Either way ,it's important to invite these people into your life and make the most of the time you have together.
Kind Regards
Raj Malhotra

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