Feeling judged and misunderstood

4:01 pm Thursday, 5th January, 2017


I am an easy going person and if i am being honest, yes i wanna have fun, yes i wanna have sex but at the same time i wanna make new friends and form new relations, yet nobody feels like chatting or even respond and say not now. I feel like they are judging me before they get to know me. What is the point of being here if you do not want to talk with one another or share experiences and maybe help each other. Have you ever felt like you are still alone and people are still judgmental? even in a place like this here that should be about being open? Just chat a little, drop by and say a quick hi, dont leave people hanging, not all of us are hungry dogs, some of us have feelings too you know. 

Blog Introduction


Me, You and Myself and All of the people of the world hear me.