About a Science Film seen twice at Switzerland

10:05 pm Tuesday, 3rd January, 2017


Sexual Secretions are normally very Healthy. A Pussy is like a Pharmacy if the Pussy is filled up by Sperms of different Men. No only for Women, Mens Immunity System is coming also very strong if they bain their Dick in this Pharmacy. The Pharmaceutical Industry would not be amused, so it is not a popular knowledge. And it   prevents of coming Pregnant, if the Men are knowing about the fact that the Woman is fucking with more than one Man. The Reason why is the production of 3 kind of Sperms and will produce very less Sperms which are able to fertalize a Egg Cell, steered by the Submind, but only if he knows about the Womans polygamic acting. The other two kind of Sperms he produces much more, coz there is a Sperm Competition. One
kind of Sperm bites itself into the Tail and is building with the same kind of Sperms a Wall around the Egg Cell, so that the Sperms of which are able to fertalize the Egg Cell could not pass, the distance between this Wallbuilders is too small. The third kind of Sperm is a Killer and has poison, it bites all Sperms of other Men so that they die. This Science Report is documented by a Film I had seen between ten Years twice at a Switzerland TV-Channel. Both Times about 4am, where the most People are sleeping but the TV Channels guard the Law of Public Information and so no one could say that it wasn’t broadcasted.

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