I have been spending a bit of time on this site looking at various profiles as well as spending time in the chatroom. What I have come to realise is that what I am seeking in my gay male persona is not what I when I am in my feminine mood. The most immediate action has been that I have deleted those interests which were gay male driven. That is not to say that I am not looking for those activities, but where I will seek them is not here (my very understanding partner does help).
What I am looking for here is feminine contact, be it with TS, TV, CD or natural females. In some ways I guess that I am trying to make up for possibly 40 years of not following my true desire. That can be hard when it is so deeply buried by social conditioning etc that it takes a very long time to emerge, not as some 'dark' kink or fetish, but as who I am truly meant to be.
There will be days when I doubt myself, but there will also be days when I know in my heart that I am following my true path on life's journey.
11:02 pm Monday, 23rd January, 2017
I know how you feel. I'm not looking for male company but female with the added extras |