The Mouse and the Elephant

8:24 am Saturday, 13th October, 2007


A mouse was scurrying through the jungle one afternoon when he heard a wailing noise. He scurried through the jungle undergrowth to see an elephant laying on her side with her leg in the air.
The mouse scampered up and stood in front of the elephant and asked 'what's up jumbo?'
The elephant replied 'I stood on a thorn and its so so sore. Its so small too that I can get a grip on it to pull it out with my trunk. I cant walk and if I lay here I'll be eaten by lions and hyenas'
The mouse thought for a minute and said 'I've got really small sharp teeth. i bet I could pull it out'
The elephant looked so relieved and said 'I'd be so so grateful. I'll do anything'
The mouse smiled and said 'OK. When I get the thorn out you have to let me shag you'
The elephant chuckled and said 'Shag me? I doubt I'd feel it but hey, if thats what you want....'
The mouse pulled the thorn out and the relief was instant. The elephant climbed to her feet and said 'OK. How do you want me?'
The mouse said 'Face that tree and lean forward baby. This is gonna be a bumpy ride'
The elephant chuckled and leant forward with her front feet against the tree and her arse in the air. The mouse scampered up the back of the elephant and pushed her tail out of the way, gripped her flanks and rammed his little manhood deep as he could into the elephant. The elephant felt nothing except the mouses tapping away on her behind. As the mouse gained momentum, the vibrations started to travel along the elephant and up the tree. The whole tree started to sway and the mouse got faster and faster. The elephant yawned and the tree began to shudder.
Suddenly the vibrations reached a coconut which dropped from the tree and fell straight onto the elephants head.
The elephant cried out in pain 'Fucking Jesus!'
The mouse grinned and shouted 'Yeah! Take it all bitch!'

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try walking a mile in your enemies the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him