Wishful thinking! Hoping for a sexy New Year!

8:20 pm Saturday, 24th December, 2011


Heres hoping and wishing, going into a New Year, that 2012 isnt as frustrating as 2010/2011. I know, most of u gals out there, understand how difficult these steps are that we take. The mental torment we go through, just in accepting ourselves and worrying about other peoples disapproval. We then enter ourselves up onto sites like this, some of you are genuinely pretty ladies, some of us( I personally, am yet to be told genuinely otherwise), must work an aweful lot harder trying (usually failing) to be convincing. This doesnt meen we have failed altogether, we dont have to be "ugly" ladies in our own head, theres also hope in the fact that a lot of genuine women who are attractively challenged still manage to find someone. So I am about to go into 2012 full of optimism that I will at long last, meet somebody, who will accept me as a girl, in all ways. I have so many cravings,I know at first I will be very nervous, apprehensive and indescisive, but once I get over that, God help that fi

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Crossdresser in need of femme treatment