The Daily Activites of an ownerless sissy maid

12:26 am Sunday, 4th December, 2011


This is the vow i make to myself

I swear and vow to follow the sissy way. I will learn each lesson in order, I will maintain chastity, I will wear my panties, I will check my progress daily, I will recite the pledge, I will serve Women, I will practice my new skills, and I will maintain a sissy attitude at all times. I will do all these things because I long to be an acceptable sissy maid and serve Women without question.
signed: lexi
date: 23-12-2011

The Sissy Pledge

This pledge must be memorized. Say it every morning, kneeling before a Woman’s panties or shoes if you cannot say it to your Mistress. At the conclusion of the pledge, you may kiss the object of your adoration.
“I pledge allegiance to my Mistress, and through her to all of Womankind. I will obey her orders and accept her discipline, and when she has punished me I will kiss her boots to show my thankfulness. In every thought, word, and deed, I show her my honor, my respect, and my adoration for the Female.”

Blog Introduction


Genuine sissy maid seeks Mistress