lust for you orgasmbr

3:23 pm Wednesday, 24th February, 2010


Lust for you

The rattle of the key in the door is no surprise
But first glance at the corselet is musk before the eyes
twinges wakening swelling member
make this night we both remember.

Take head in hands to kiss the face
slowly move to form embrace
lowering down upon the floor
words from your mouth just like a whore.

Suck my clit you dirty fucker
tweak my lips see how they pucker
stroke my hole until its wet
My answer! soon but not just yet.

silken ties now gently bound
hands to table pulling panties down
breathing gently parting hair
take out razor shaving there

softly massage in the balm
taste of chocolate take away calm
hips arise presenting clit
fingers delicate brushing it

now undo corselet releasing breast
each nipple in turn from east to west
sucking teasing nibbling tight
making stand against moonlight

caress and squash and squeeze in turn
feel the warmth as juices burn<

Blog Introduction


Lover looking for more