Why i dislike avatars....

2:54 pm Wednesday, 10th July, 2013


No, not the movie, but it rates a close second.

Avavtars, you know, that big block od code that sits where ur picture shd sit, where u can spend countless hours "playing" with it and "earning" things, like a butt plug or worse i guess LOL

Still i jus see it as an extremely outdated concept that had its "wow" factor pulled out from under its feet circa 1999, that's 14 years ago guys, come on, get creative PLEASE.

Of course, i am always one to speak my mind, though being mindful in here is what u have to do, no compromise, they kicked my hubby from here 3 times, he just laughed and stays away now. I saw the emails received on why they banned him, yet i still see single "women" in here talkin openly about being a couple, so how?

Anyway, back to avaters, they even LOOK 20th century, nothing new about them, almost off the shelf code i guess (so hubby said). He's a 30yr+ internet tech (yes even 10 years BEFORE the internet had a graphic interface).

I just realised, i dont ne

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