Cut Off but Coping

5:51 pm Saturday, 16th April, 2011


The sky is cloudy and the forecast is for rain. It's as if the world is mirroring my feelings today. It's not easy being Goth and gender-queer in a conservative community. I feel cut off and isolated all the time. When I'm out on the street I stick out like a sore thumb, but I won't hide or pretend to be something I'm not for someone else's comfort because they can't understand. I walk with confidence. I am proud of who and what I am and with each passing day I get better and better. I shaved my body last night it makes me feel feminine. I do this to please the woman inside me and I occasionally wear women's underwear. One day soon I'll come out to my family. In the meantime I'm looking for friends like me to relate to someone who understands and to pass the days with.

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