Meeting in Person Safety Tips Part 1

1:08 pm Thursday, 18th February, 2016


As you meet people online whether you're interested in meeting them to go on a date or to make a new friend, you may want to move your online swingers offline/ Remember that people can easily lie about who they are online.

They can pretend to be taller, more attractive, significantly younger, another gender - anything. Even if you know someone online, you don't really know him or her; you know what they wanted you to know. As a result you need to take extreme safety precautions if you decide to move your online swing offline. If at any point you have reservations about meeting them, don't meet them. Trust your instincts!

Remember there is no 100% way to meet up with someone in real life that you originally met online, but if you are sure you want to go ahead with it, follow these tips

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