One journey ends, another one begins

8:55 pm Monday, 31st December, 2012


Since my marriage of some 20 years ended 3 years ago, it has been a long and sometimes arduous process of claiming back all that I let my ex wife take from me.
I don't mean take as in stolen or in some way coerced from me, rather the things that we give to our nearest and dearest without a second thought, the things that they looked after for us, things like our self confidence, self esteem and the secrets that we just HAD to share with someone for fear of drowning in our own self doubt and guilt, all just so as they could say that 'everything will be alright'

Well 3 years on, I can say that I have reclaimed most of what was 'borrowed' and can once again hold my head up and say 'everything is REALLY going to be alright' and life has rewarded me in a way, by allowing me the confidence and purpose to explore the things that might make me happy.
Part of this exploration is this site, for better or worse, I don't know yet!

Blog Introduction


Drama Free and Enjoying life x