Awkward startbr

9:48 am Friday, 12th February, 2010


Hi everyone. Some of you may have noticed my recent activity in the chatroom and this may have bothered you somewhat.
The situation is that for the last 4 or 5 years my friendship activty has been curtaied by my ex partner. She has been overbearing and I have until recently been able to get about and meet people. My previous friendship have also been affected by her.
Now I am back on my own I am going to enjoy the rest of my life. I want to meet new people and have fun - sexy and in other ways too. In my past I have been too intense, but now I realise that this has frightened several people away from me. From now on, any fun I shall have will be no strings attached and mutual.

If anyone fancies the idea of contacting me, please drop me a line. I am also on Skype which would allow free calls within Skype itself! Again, drop me a line if you want to chat on Skype sometime.
Mick X

Blog Introduction


Ready to spread my wings again!