What's my angle ... ?

6:06 am Saturday, 29th June, 2013


I have read with interest the blogs on this site and I have got to say that lately I have probably spent more time in the blog pages than reading profiles or chatting. I love the witty banter, the kind advice, the flirting and innuendo as well as the shoot from the hip comments and opinions.

Being the caring and sharing sort of girl that I am, I thought I would start a blog of my own. Not because I think the world wants to desperately hear what I have got to say, but for the giggles.

The problem is, I haven't really got an 'angle' and so I have decided to write about ... um ... erm ... well .... mmm, now let me think ... oh yes, anything I feel like!

So that's it, my angle is "I will wear my heart on my blog."


Blog Introduction


Finger lickin' good and we're luvin' it ...