Bi Male - Fun and Games in Gran Canaria 2016

11:01 pm Monday, 12th September, 2011


I head off to Gran Canaria soon for a weeks holiday in which I intend to have a good time. This is my 1st Blog so be kind. :)

I classify myself as Bi although what do I mean by Bi? When walking down the street its a good looking women that turns my head and when giving a choice I would always pick the women. However If their are no ladies about then whats a man to do. :)
I am not sure if you are familiar with Kinsey Scale but when I carried out the test it came up with 2 for me which is "Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual". Which seems just about right. I like anal play and have often stuck various fruit and vegetables up my ass. And have had the pleasure of being ass fucked on many occasions.

Being a single bloke and trying to get involved in the swinging scene is quite challenging. However finding coupes where the male is bi or bi curious does appear to increase my chances of success. I understand when trying to hit it off with couples the sing

Blog Introduction


50 Year old Bi Male looking for some very wet fun.