It Was A Dark & Stormy Night

11:40 am Tuesday, 29th March, 2005


Was hanging out late Sat. night at the local bar-the night bartender and I are old friends, used to work together at a topless bar 15 years ago...Saturday was a good night to hang out with him-the bar was slow due to the holidays and especially the weather-people don't get behind the wheel or even walk to the bar when it's pouring rain and the wind is blowing 40 mph. About an hour before closing time, a couple sitting at one of the tables by the door started arguing, then walked out...leaving me, the bartender (Dan), the guy who sits at the end of the bar all day, hammered (Jimmie), and two other guys as the only ones left in the place.
About 5 minutes later, the front door opens and the girl from the couple that was arguing comes back in, obviously pissed, soaking wet and crying. "That fucking bastard just dumped me for my ex-roommate, but he still wanted a blow job before he drove me home! I told him to go to hell, and he made me get out of the car and then left."

We were all

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