the need to play .1.

6:25 am Saturday, 27th August, 2011


from a teen full of excitement when first discovering the rush and tingles of pleasure streaming uncontrolably throughout my body the moment i played with my hard cock and relising a warm wet white fluid everywhere i was hooked ! this was fucking great and after my cock was red raw and the cum now a shadow of its first apperance with no colour or consistancy to note i fell asleep !!
the next few weeks were without question very memerable, shut away in my room i learnt what would get me off from sensations arising by me touching other parts of my body,thoughts of all kinds,littlewoods cataloge became very intresting and constantly covered in my jizz, giving those women wearing provocative underwear or clothes a different sheen than the glossy paper provided. being an inquisitive person it wasnt long before i wanted to push my self education on to boundries that others would look upon as wrong , it was obvious that wanking whilst having thoughts or acting in a manner that was up until

Blog Introduction


cuck bf for woman in her early 20's right here!!