I have to be really careful here as it appears that the great blog censor has refused to publish my previous blog! Which was merely about non response to messages sent. And to request that people thought again before ignoring messages as that sends a very confusing signal.
It even appears they have rules over the label! No less than 20 letters says the rule! Good grief! The text of today means that you can express yourself in a lot less than 20 letters. Get some reality into this please!
Or maybe it was the section about unreal profiles that hit the mark! Hey I'm only trying to stimulate debate!! Surely this isn't a dick!tatorship?
As a complete aside and totally out of context I'm thinking of indulging the voyeur side of my person in the new year, so should anyone be looking for a willing watcher then just let me know.(Be interesting to see if anyone picks up on that bit!)
Hope you all have a good sexy Xmas
PS If this isn't rejected then I'd be happy to take any response throug