Kuala Lumpur Sexcapades

8:20 am Monday, 16th May, 2011


My sexcapade stories started a few years back in the hustling and bustling city of KL. and it has not stop ever since. Ain't gonna lie, there have been some quiet times when i dont get that good pussy to lick suck or fuck.... but time has taught me time and time again.... during these dry runs.... i get so horny that i think of new ways of getting new pussies and new adventures of my sexcapades.... will write more on my adventures.... feel free to comment and share your stories to me too.... who knows we both might have the same interest and the same kinda fantasies that we might just hook up to fuck the fuck out of each other.... forgive my french there....

so till the next one see ya!!

Blog Introduction


Big Boy to Fulfill your Fantasy