slip slidin away ( adventures 4)

5:29 pm Friday, 3rd September, 2010


with a lady's hand all up inside of me I am feeling pretty damn amazing. if this is a mid-life crisis, i am thinking I cannot wait till my "old-age crisis." woo-hoo. Ms. arctic tundra (yes, that was the name she used) was licking my thighs as well as slowly pumping it back and forth...ever so slowly which I am a big fan of..why hurry in such a position? Then she said to me she though that there might be room for more. More than one hand? Impossible! Then again..why not, as a fan of sexual adventuring, i am usually game to try anything with another woman. I nodded and felt the finger tips of her other hand. No, she was not in a classic fist inside of me, just all the way straight up. Thank god for petite ladies! Slowly, slowly, she worked her fingers up me right next to and sliding against her other hand deep inside of me. Up, up and finally to the wrist. A final push and she had both her hands up inside of me as i gushed liquid ( not like I gush now, which is more like a volcano...grin) but a substantial amount of fluid lubricated her hands. A crowd of my friends were all around me cheering me on. the picture in my mind i shall always remember of my 40th birthday is this: a small, petite woman on her knees in front of me, both hands all the way up inside of me in a praying position. Amen! ps--we are coming to malaga province next week. Kisses!


9:36 pm Friday, 3rd September, 2010 idiosyncratic

I love to read your blogs.

Can't wait for the next one.

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