The First Datebr

3:50 am Wednesday, 25th April, 2007


I hope you are sitting comfortably, or should I say, are you snuggled up,
relaxed ready to read about your first theoretical encounter with me?
Before I begin let me set the mood and apologise for the odd word or any
of the content that may offend, sorry it isn't meant to. Firstly, you must
be relaxed enough to be able to imagine you are there, hence the wine, not
too much I don't want you to get too carried away, not yet any-way, you
are not daft, so you'll know what I mean. The day has gone well, the kids
are taken care of, you've had a long soak in the bath, the oils have done
their job, make-up is on, not too much, not too little, a dab of perfume
here and some there, your clothes are there, bra, panties, stockings,
dress and jacket hanging up, slowly and carefully you put them on, it's
taking longer than expected, hands shaking with nervous excitement at
what's to come, gentle little tremors ripple through your body as your

Blog Introduction


Fancy an older man, ready to please?