what a day pt 2br

3:50 pm Sunday, 11th January, 2004


oh how i miss you how i long for your touch, how i wait to here your breath gliding past my ear with words being carried on its movement, how i wish that i could touch you, and how i wish i could caress your body with kisses and love.
i would wait for the moment that we have waited fore such a long time i would be waiting at the airport with bated breath as i here the announcement i have been waiting for, the flight from sc will be landing in approximately 5 mins at gate two, knowing that it takes about 30 min to go through and collect your bags i get all nervous waiting. i am waiting at arrivals when i first see you it takes my breath away the beauty i see i cannot believe it and as you get closer i know it is you. you are looking round to see if you can see me and then out of the corner of one eye you spot me you stop and turn slowly then you see me properly, you stand and stair for what seams like a life time but was really just a fue seconds you drop your bag on the floor

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