The "For What it's Worth" Blog

7:23 am Thursday, 1st April, 2004


I always had a fixed idea on sites like this that once people start blogging, it's a sign they've "got nothing better to do" :-) I'm actually on three sites, but as this one has been the least productive in terms of meets (presumably due to the fact I'm in UK only 3 months of the year), then I thought what the hell. I must admit, though, that this site has been useful for "catching up with my Britishness" via the written word.
Can't promise I'll be contributing regularly or often, but I must admit I get an occasional itch to be either vaguely creative, cheeky/facetious or contentious. Have already had my first attempt banned. That's not exactly a badge of honour because the bloody thing took ages to write and it turned out to be a waste of my time. But it was good experience, and I now re-emerge "chastened and respectful" :-) Hope you find what's here er......entertaining. But don't hold your breath :-)

Blog Introduction


I'm 56 years old, living in the Bradford region.