Musings of a newbie...

6:43 pm Saturday, 6th August, 2016


Hey all. I'm a first time poster on here, and am still pretty new to this scene as a whole. As I imagine most of you do too, I have a number of fantasies that I've always wanted to live out....most of them involving at least one other person to be involved. That said, being fairly shy (at first) and a single male it seems very difficult to get the attention of many people. So I'd love to hear how other people went about getting started. Or even just helpful suggestions would be nice.


10:32 pm Tuesday, 9th August, 2016 eroticgoddess

Hi, hu, and welcome to the blogs. They are a great place to get your name out there, and, while many current blogs are of the boring, non blog type (they mostly belong on the forums) many of us oldies (ahem) do still haunt these parts.

You may also want to check out the chat rooms. If you have a sense of humor and can put a few words together spur of the moment, they can be a fun place to get chatting with people. Not exactly overnight success, but -- who knows?

Good luck to you.

Blog Introduction


Anyone in the North East want some company?