When was the last time you did a STD test?

6:31 am Thursday, 14th July, 2016


Hi All, Many would hate me for discussing this topic here BUT it is important for everyone who is sexually active to check their health in terms of all STD's at least half yearly. Many people in Europe are testing themselves regularly to avoid the contraction of the diseases.

I've checked many profiles in the site and to my surprise i saw some people are having unsafe group sex which is really alarming. HIV numbers are also growing in this tropical island which means it is spreading than ever before.

Here's what you need to know in order to avoid HIV infection:
You need to be using condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse, every time, no exceptions. As you are sexually active, it is highly recommended that you get a full sexual health check-up / screening at least annually including but not limited to HIV testing.

Remember that some sexual practices which may be described as ‘safe’ in terms of HIV transmission might still pose a risk for transmission of other STD's. So please
test today to be confirmed of your status.

Would like to know what you people think of the subject?

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