My Journey from the start to present day

2:15 pm Tuesday, 26th April, 2016


I guess this will have to start at the beginning.

It all started when I was around the age of 10, you guessed it with my mothers clothes well to be more specific her bra's, when I put on bra i was hooked, yes it felt wrong but yet so exciting. I just knew then that I was to love wearing them. I then started wearing her knickers etc. what a wonderful world of feminine clothes I had discovered.

I would sleep in the bra's especially the items my mother had stored that no longer fitted her. I was in heaven. Then my mother caught me wear one her bra's in bed but she didn't say anything I guess she must have thought it was a phase I was going through!

I went on wearing her underwear manly at night and then i would try on her outer clothes, which was just as much fun as the underwear.

After the second time i got caught I stopped. I finished school and then got a job. I still wanted to wear my mother underwear etc but i couldn't as now i was too big for them.

during my late teens and early twenty's, I only looked at the underwear section of the catalogues that were around the house dreaming. yes i had girlfriends but I didn't say anything of my liking of wearing womens clothes.

I eventually got married and now had the chance to get my own cataolgue and start ordering the odd item and wearing them when my wife was out and that is when I discovered that i wasn't some pervert but a cross dresser (thanks to the internet) and I was ordering more and more stuff. It was about 2 years into the marriage that i was going through a really tough time at home and work, I became depressed and then my wife found a delivery note and it had on there items that she hadn't seen. As you can imagine she hit the roof and we didn't talk for a few days. On my days off from work i would sit and think what to do and my only way i could see this working out was to end my life, so a bottle of Vodka later i was sat on the kitchen floor with a craving knife and i was about to cut my wrists when she came in a kicked the knife out of my hand, when I sobered up off to the doctors i went and i was diagnosed with depression.

Once I had bcome stable on the meds that is when my wife asked me about the ladies clothes i had ordered, I sat there and cried as i told her. even though she wasn't happy about it she accepted it.

She helped with clothes and make up and that is when Jennifer was born. Sadly we divorced and Jenni had to go away as i had to move back to my parents house and i had to box all my stuff up and Jenni had to stay away.

During this time I got a flat with an old school friend and jenni did come out from time to time, but never for very long but it was nice when i had the chance.

My current partner I told about my cross dressing from the start of our relationship and she has accepting it and even her daughter accepts my dressing.

Two years again my depression came back and I was so low again I nearly ended my life but I got to seen a doctor and i was back on the meds again. It was around May time that i finally realized that I was something more than a cross dresser as I felt more comfortable in women's clothes.

I made an appointment with my doctor and told her that the root cause of my depression is because I wanted to become a woman. After many questions she sent of my referral to The Laurels in Exeter this was done on 23/06/15.then tats when to wait began. On the 13/10/15 I received a letter from The Laurels letting me know that my referral had been received and i was on the waiting list, I was over the moon.

25/04/16 I rang The Laurels to see how much longer I had to wait before I got my first appointment, to my surprise I at number 62 on the list and I should be seen soon but if I don't get a letter in 2 months time I am to ring them back.

Thank you for reading Jenni xx


10:59 am Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 eroticgoddess

Good luck to you, and thanks for sharing. Keep updating as things progress?

Reading blogs like yours give me an insight into a world I don't know much about, so it's a curiosity thing for me (hope that doesn't sound insensitive?) though I hope iwe here can also help support you on your journey.

3:47 pm Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 freeforpleasure

Dear Jenni, A very genuine and honest blog. Thanks for sharing. I really hope everything goes well for you. It is hard to imagine to many people what CDs have gone through before finding themselves some answers to many questions.

I am sure many like you may read this and it may help them too. Hugs. Good luck :)

12:45 pm Thursday, 15th September, 2016 davina184

Lovage it's hard going thru all this
My story is different bug can understand what your going thru hope it works out !!

1:00 am Saturday, 28th January, 2017 Sexy ed 1


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