Why in the bathroom with everything on display???

9:09 am Monday, 25th April, 2016


Why in the bathroom with everything on display???

I currently don't spend a lot of time looking at pictures on profiles, although I will confess to having done so in the past.

But something came to my attention recently and it is one of those 'oh no' moments.

Why do so many men take pictures in the bathroom? and not just bathroom, but hotel bathroom.............

I find myself looking at the fittings, rather than perhaps the main purpose of the picture - or at least the reason the picture was taken. I am sure it isn't to compare the quality of different bathroom fittings! And (yes, I know I shouldn't start a sentence with And!) then to crown it all the dreaded underpants are at half mast........... On what planet did the guy think that was going to be appealing and make us all rush to mail them? But then again I have seen pictures with jeans pulled down to the knees or lay on the bed with socks still on .... come on... REALLY!!!!!

Yes, I know I am lucky and have a complete wall of mirrors in one bedroom - and no, before anyone thinks to ask, I am NOT hiring out the bedroom for pictures - think of my neighbours!!!! - so have a much easier time taking pictures. Taking pictures takes time and effort if you are on your own, and perhaps it is lack of time that is the real problem here.

So the question is what is it you don't like about some pictures and yet others really catch your eye, or what would you change given the opportunity?


11:13 am Monday, 25th April, 2016 eroticgoddess

Now that you've seen the range of options available for remodeling, at least you know who to contact when you find the perfect toliet pictured.

11:27 am Monday, 25th April, 2016 eroticgoddess

The best opening message to Mr Picture Perfect:

"Can you help me with my water tap fetish and refer me to anyone who might know where I can buy them?"

2:45 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016 cockneysparra1

My opinion is of these pics is they are (bathrooms that is) handy for taking the pics whilst doing their ablutions and the wife cant get in cos the door is locked lol. I have seen some very erotic pics with jeans just showing a little hip and belly....quite tasteful in my opinion, but half mast pants and who for gods sakes wears those god damn awful y fronts these days?

3:00 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016 cockneysparra1

Always leave summit to the imagination, less is more in my opinion....no thanks Sass no research going on here lol

8:17 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016 Fetch1

Appearance ,tidiness and a well-ordered background speak volumes about a person..I don't make a habit of looking at baggy underwear whether male or female but I have observed that some of the items don't look as though they have seen the inside of a washing machine in weeks !
I may look a bit scruffy in my photo but I' m clean and do at least look passable when I'm suited and booted ( Sassy ,you are free to contradict that statement if you wish LOL )
For the benefit of Sparra,my dear heart,I'm now going to polish the Lambretta, put on a sharp Italian suit and do some posing at the Tottenham Royal . xx LOl

8:20 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016 Fetch1

Sally, I just knew that a lady of your perception wouldn't be bothered by a little thing like that ! xx Lol

9:11 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016 cockneysparra1

Fetchyhun...will you please stop it! lol The Lambretta was enticing enough but the suit as well and I assume its mohair and tonic????? Swoons lol See ya there lol

5:23 am Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 Fetch1

A hotel room ? I have this recurring nightmare of hopping into a hotel bed with a lady only to find Lennie Henry snoring his head off there !
Chrissy. I purchased a Cheval mirror but I don't use it very often.It makes me look like a horse ! xx
Sally, I have been known to do my impression of a London Cabbie when confronted with a picture of a vagina .." Blimey Lady ! Haven't you got anything smaller ? " LOL
Sassy,thank you for your nice words.When we next encounter each other shall I wear Top Hat and Tails or my old Dress Uniform ?
Sparra what can I say ? We are indeed kindred spirits.Just don't ask me to play anything by the Dave Clarke Five,please xxxx

2:54 pm Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 cockneysparra1

I have a spare bedroom that has fitted mirror wardrobes along the length of one wall , and on the odd occasion has been used for play....... quite useful, but not the reason for installing them in the first place, and strangely enough never taken pics in there.....hmmmm lol

4:35 pm Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 cockneysparra1

Yeah Sass ,my hmm was thoughts concerning taking pics in there, just hasnt occured to me before lol

5:49 pm Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 littleboyblue2

Sassy1234 I do hope my profile didn't give you the wrong impression of me 😊.

6:45 pm Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 littleboyblue2

The full privacy of the bathroom sure does help , not living alone so not the sort of thing to display else where in the house 😏 X

4:22 am Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 Skebbie

"Taking pictures takes time and effort if you are on your own"

That says it in a nutshell, I think. It requires planning and forethought, and if you are taking "artistic selfies" you also need a degree of motivation to do a decent job. I think a lot of people take pics on the spur of the moment, perhaps during a "pheromone rush" when their sense of artistic judgement is impaired :-)

Nothing creates such an overwhelming impression of desperation, loneliness and lack of taste than a set of half-hearted impromptu snaps of a guy with his Calvin Klines around his ankles knocking one out in the bog. The same might be said for ladies who insist on uploading "Eye of Sauron" pics taken from point blank range. They're about as appealing and erotic as a bucketful of effluent.

4:22 am Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 Skebbie

"Taking pictures takes time and effort if you are on your own"

That says it in a nutshell, I think. It requires planning and forethought, and if you are taking "artistic selfies" you also need a degree of motivation to do a decent job. I think a lot of people take pics on the spur of the moment, perhaps during a "pheromone rush" when their sense of artistic judgement is impaired :-)

Nothing creates such an overwhelming impression of desperation, loneliness and lack of taste than a set of half-hearted impromptu snaps of a guy with his Calvin Klines around his ankles knocking one out in the bog. The same might be said for ladies who insist on uploading "Eye of Sauron" pics taken from point blank range. They're about as appealing and erotic as a bucketful of effluent.

11:13 am Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 Skebbie

BTW has the blog format changed while I've been on an extended disgruntled sabbatical? (I use that term literally, as the site was fully paid during my leave of absence :-) I posted my comment but it failed to appear, so I tried again......Then I noticed that for some reason you can no longer scroll down and see a continuous thread, and instead you have to click on little serial boxes. Curiouser and curiouser.................

3:09 pm Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 Skebbie

Well it still took a bite out of my original post :-)

3:14 pm Wednesday, 27th April, 2016 freeforpleasure

I think we have many times debate and even given suggestions as what a good picture could be in the blogs.

Personally, I like sexy pictures and not very explicit. The place? It really does not matter. TBH, I have never really paid attention to the surrounding unless it is too obvious and maybe out of context.

Do I admire well taken pictures? Sure, but I think it has to do more with my hobby for photography. I truly think people should be entitled to take the picture they desire and feel comfortable with. After all, I may not like explicit but others may do. Beauty is so subjective anyway.

Now do I agree with shots that r clearly just plain amateur? Well, I think a little more effort is always noticeable, especially when you are looking for a possible person interest. Good luck to all! CLICK!

6:26 pm Thursday, 28th April, 2016 SiteAdminMaria

Skebbie - I have just thrown my tea everywhere giggling at "Eye of Sauron". LOTR will never be the same. Hahaha!img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif"

9:32 pm Wednesday, 4th May, 2016 Turquiose

Totally agree with Chrissy that most guys don't think about buying full length mirrors so a hotel room is probably the first time they've seen all of themselves in one shot...as it were. Also, hotel bathrooms are so clean and neat. I'd much rather see a hotel bathroom background than a nasty background of drying clothing or who knows what else. If I was to take a pic of myself in my bathroom, I'd have to spend ages clearing away the hair products and lotions etc first. I'd also have to get a step stool to stand on otherwise you'd not see much of me - but then again, that could be a good thing, especially first thing!

7:30 am Friday, 6th May, 2016 Welcumdstraction

So Sass...
Finally the penny drops...No full length mirrors available to men..
Except those that have them glued to the ceiling!!!!
Taking selfies is an art form, one tht should be left to the experts.... Teens
For me to take a selfie takes me an age to set up the backdrop, lighting, mount the camera, pick the right shutter speed and aperture, lighting levels... By that point, I'm bored and piss off out for a gin and tonic.
So when i do get a decent image, those are restricted "eyes only"... only for those i deem worthy.
For everyone else, its the hotel bog full length mirror shot....
Well it was the Dorchester... and they do a very good gin and tonic there too.... bottoms up

1:04 pm Friday, 6th May, 2016 Welcumdstraction

mirrors on the ceiling....
and pink champagne on ice.

Ooh, feck... i nearly burst into song there

4:31 pm Friday, 6th May, 2016 Turquiose

The hills are alive...oh, sorry, I thought this was the karaoke thread. Pardon me and my hills....

12:37 am Saturday, 7th May, 2016 Turquiose

Aw, thanks sass x

"don't confuse them with mountains..."

3:32 am Saturday, 7th May, 2016 Fetch1

Stop this at once or I shall sing " Edelweiss " at you !

9:58 am Saturday, 7th May, 2016 Turquiose

Ooh, Fetch1, you tease!

"Every morning, you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to see me....may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever"

Now I'm never going to be able to sing Edelweiss again without sniggering. Thanks Fetch1 x

7:58 am Friday, 11th November, 2016 Macavity68


4:38 am Saturday, 26th November, 2016 1eyedcharmer

Anyone in a bathroom should be naked no one should ever take a pic of themselves wearing socks male or female as for taking bathroom pics they can be rather fun depending who they are for and taken if possible clear of any obsticales .just my opinion though.

1:29 am Sunday, 4th December, 2016 HornymrT22

You l

2:31 pm Wednesday, 7th December, 2016 greg

I agree self photography is difficult to get right.I find the imperfections charming, it proves you are a real person, whereas a perfect picture often turns out to be a scammer. I object to your comment about keeping your socks on. I like to keep my socks on having sex, I don't know why just feel more comfortable

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