PayPal Response to dissatisfaction

5:26 pm Tuesday, 19th April, 2016


Thanks for the response I have received to my blog
UPDATE to previous blog:

The only way of causing FRICTION to the creativity of the persons who behave in this manner of "money for notheing" generation is understanding the response from PayPal in why Ami Tanaka and the likes can get away with not taking responsibilty for their in-actions is as follows;


Unfortunately, Personal Payments cannot be disputed for any reason, regardless of the circumstances.

You may be able to file a claim with your bank, as that was the source for the funds.

Please note that we do keep track of buyer complaints, and have noted your dissatisfaction with this seller's account.

Sellers who consistently receive buyer complaints are investigated.

I understand your frustration regarding this matter and regret any inconvenience this might have caused.

Yours sincerely,


I hope this helps others

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I am here to have mutual fun and pleasure, looking for steady meets