What is the motive?

9:48 pm Tuesday, 12th June, 2007


I thought long and hard today about something. Fake profiles. What's the motivation behind it? Who would take the time to sit at a PC and search for pictures of women on obscure sites, use the picture as a profile pic and then write a profile. Not just once but dozens of times. Not a rocket scientist with a brain the size of a planet because whoever it is doesn't vary things much. All the profiles come from Kent or East Sussex or South London. Or maybe thats part of the game? Leaving clues?
The only purpose I can see for creating these profiles is to sit in the chat room and wait for regular members or members that chat to everyone and anyone then hurl abuse at them from behind the safety of a screen and keyboard. So.....why do they do it?
Well how about this for a theory. They're lonely. They're insecure. They have very few social skills. They're a psychologists wet dream. Whatever has happened in their past has disturbed them to a point where this activity has taken control of their life as a form of escapism. In the chat room they are brave, intelligent, witty, tough, attractive....basically everything they're not in reality. The fantasy is more pallatable than the reality and thats what makes it so addictive. They get noticed. They get noticed for the wrong reasons but any attention is good attention right?
Its like an Attention Deficit Disorder. Being ignored hurts.
It hurts some people what they say but either they dont understand and choose to block out the repercussions or they thrive on it. If its the latter then its a dangerous person we're talking about. If this bizarre behaviour spills out from the fantasy of chat into reality they will seek out those smaller and weaker than themselves because the thought of losing their status, where in their world they are all powerful, doesn't bear thinking about.
For those of you that have been a victim of things said by this person my advice is this. Copy the transcript to admin and save a copy. This may be used in court under the Malicious Communications Act. Then if there's no chat monitor to boot them out I suggest you log out. Dont get involved in an argument because you're feeding them. Leave them with nothing to say. Dont worry about anything they say in the room after you've gone. This person is known for the libellous comments and no one takes them seriously.
Dont get angry because you'll never get the opportunity to met this person. Remember they wont ever jeopardise their power in chat by meeting someone and losing.
My advice to the person. Get a life. Open your door and go outside. Take up swimming or walking. If that fails stick a mirror next to your screen so when you're playing the powerful one in chat hopefully you'll catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and come back to reality.

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try walking a mile in your enemies shoes....at the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him