Sex vs. Love: Food for thought

7:48 pm Thursday, 24th March, 2016


Should we have sex only with the one we love or sex is a different than having a relationship?

This question is boggling the minds of many. A conventional wife would glue sex with a relationship in terms of a commitment. Which sounds very convincing as well as the only logical explanation from the face of it. This is because when in a relationship, it’s easy to get laid. And once you possess something you start losing the value and the true potential of it.

Let’s look at this phenomenon from another perspective. Think of the days when you were young and had discovered your sexual appetite. You were not having a relation back then, but you were still attracted to the concept of getting physical with a guy of your dreams. Why did u get wet when your close friend was sharing her sexual encounter with you? Have you ever wondered why nature has put the element of sexual curiosity in you? Let’s try to gather some answers.
Human brain is made of three part. The frontal lobe with a logical reasoning, the mammalian brain with feeling of association and the most basic part is the strongest of all. The Reptilian brain. The reason we call it reptilian brain is because it is the only part reptiles have. And this part is programmed only for four functions. I call it 4F. Food, Fuck, Fight and Fear (or Flee). If you study the life of a reptile, you would notice that its life is revolving around there 4 Fs only. Humans are part reptilians as well. Sex is one of the four feelings processed by our reptilian brain. This is the part of our brain that makes us feel wanna have sex when we look at a hot picture of a model. Even if you are married or in a very strong relationship, you still feel attracted sexually to a model with a sexually appealing body.
Ok, enough of medical crap. Let me translate it in simple words. Nature has made sex a necessary requirement of our body. If we don’t have sex then it’s like missing an important function of your body. But the interesting thing is that, sex is like food. It comes in many flavors. We must not stick to just one flavor. But our society has trained our brain’s reasoning system to convince us to have sex with only the one we are married to. Basically society is selling fear to us. The fear of being judged as a corrupt person. The reason our male dominant society is selling this fear is because this is the only way men can control women. Most men are too scared to lose their power and control over women if they see her sleeping with another man. So in order to avoid that, society has been linking sex with relationships. This is where we defied the nature as it made us.
Fear is very powerful. The only thing which is more powerful than fear is hope. Stop fearing about what If thing would go in wrong direction. And Start thinking about how beautiful your life could be if both you and your partner develop this strong bonding and trust that you are willing to let go of each other from sexual exclusivity. Think about a million new possibilities of pleasure and happiness that it can bring in your life and strength your bond with your partner. No situation can ever create misunderstanding between you.

What we need to learn is how to unlink sex from commitment (love). We need to accept the fact that sex is a basic need of human body and it needs to be fulfilled with all possible variations, flavors and combinations. This will nurture our personalities and will make us more of a complete human being than ever. And only a complete human being is the most attracted one. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I mean, if having sex with another man makes your partner crave for you more, what more cooler than that?


6:48 pm Wednesday, 30th March, 2016 Umar2015

An excellent piece of thought which clearly draws a line between love and the sexual desires of our human body. Outclass distinction wish our society could ever understand the magical power of the love bond and the food for the human body..... Keep it up

8:16 pm Wednesday, 30th March, 2016 farzanamoindhaka

Swinging swapping is sex freedom repitied brain works as rutine fixed programmed for food in time sleeping alarm and sex requirements brain hasnt any program to recognize the partner with whom do sex society system made persons defined and legalised relation for sex also ruled of prohabition.......... but how many we knows secret sex as incest, gays, versitile, and no obe knows when where whome sex will b done its only happened while 2 brains click same time and attarct each other........swinging sawpping is a varities recipiesfalvour for eternal happyness its not sin just real requirements...... repitied brain never programmed with heart to fall love with multi peoples in the same equal feelings......... so sex is a mind game and love is a heart game

8:46 pm Wednesday, 30th March, 2016 Expatriate1

I partially agree on certain area's. However i also deny the concept of open sex. If you see the society is biunded with each other with certain rules and regulations. Thise rules created faith and respect for each other in relationship. Imagine after 25 years everyone start sleeping with each other and result will be more complications, loss of trust faith and respect. If we go back 25 years and evaluate how our mother father and grand parents lived thier life. Their relationship was more stronger with well knitted bonds of love and respect. They had less divorce and more bonding with simple lifestyle. Preaching this philosophy may become dangerous to cultivate different culture in our society. On face value it look temting and attractive. But consider the residual value of sleeping with anyone like animals. There wont be any love trust faith commitment and only lust. People will have heart broken sad and disheartening life atyle. Everything in balance is appropriate. I totally agree sex is basic need and should be available in more easy manner rather than spending quality time of life on cinvincing. I feel the extreme need of sex in current phase but dont have mych time to convince some get laid...these are my thoughts and not necessarily need to be accepted or agreed...

6:38 am Thursday, 31st March, 2016 farzanamoindhaka

sex life is yours so nothing to maintain tradion of parents or society. its only implimented in the soceity where peoples lives in wealthless remember "harem" "place" life style

4:58 pm Friday, 1st April, 2016 singleIsb


9:23 am Monday, 15th August, 2016 Exciteme35

I agree with you on lot of fronts you have mentioned in your blog. For men in the submissive continental culture the way to control women is though fear. You are absolutely right that sex is a basic need for both man and a woman and it doesn't matter what part of world are you from. However, there are few differences between a man and a woman even from sex perspective due to the fact how men and women have been wired by mother nature sexually. Man inherently is wired to spread his seed and is more of a giver, whereas woman is wired as a receiver so she has to decide who will be her giver. Or in other words she by nature wants to pick the best male who will produce the best off spring. This natural instinct makes man more visual, e.g. much morr attraction to physical attributes like boobs, ass etc. Whereas woman is not only looking for physical attributes, but also looks for a minimal connection. I am not suggesting love over here, but there is something more than just physical attraction for women.
That's why men can have sex with anybody and women are a little more picky.
Being in lifestyle myself for a long time now I have seen lot of scenarios where the woman has turned men away whom I thought would never be rejected. Yes a woman can also have wild crazy sex just like a man, but she is just a little more picky.
On another point about not being monogomous, it's true that both men and women desire more than one sexual partner, because one person cannot meet all the sexual needs of the other. So it's natural. However, that doesn't mean that we have to go running around fucking everybody in town. The lifestyle gives us an opportunity to explore our sexuality and of our partner's. If you truly love your partner than it will make you happy and love your partner more when you see him or her enjoying the sexual experiences in lifestyle. In other words your live for each other will grow more as you allow each other to satsify your sexual needs, fantasies, etc.

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educated descent down to earth and smart couple from lahore