Warm Up before the real action!

3:56 pm Wednesday, 4th November, 2015


Hi, I'm a novice in this scene. What are the ways you guys/gals warm up before the real action starts so to speak? Watch porn together? Going down under? Exhibitionist? Wearing lingerie Including For guys? Feel free to share..... I will absorb like a sponge for the inputs here. "Sharing is Caring"


1:31 pm Thursday, 5th November, 2015 MrChickpea

Well, I'm pretty new to all this too, but I like to start with a nice cup of tea before we all have a relaxing little lie-down. I also like to experiment with different varieties of tea and sugar always keeps things sweet, but definitely no milk! Oh, and a nice Victoria Sandwich always goes down well too with, Mr Brown.

4:11 pm Thursday, 5th November, 2015 AngelFace2014

I always warms me with abundant glasses of Sambuca
and I'll also add a nice barrel of grass !!!

traditional methods of my family .LoL
It works for me !!!

5:41 pm Thursday, 5th November, 2015 MrChickpea

Queen Victoria aka Mrs Brown and a 'sandwich' double entendre.

Gazelle's in Bridgend? Strewth, I'd better go check the herd over the road to see if they're Wildebeest and not Friesians after all and then see if there are signs of crocs in the river - might explain the recent drop in milk yields!

3:31 am Friday, 6th November, 2015 swingermlk74

Ms Valiant-Whether a gazelle or lion, before the sun rises better start XXX!
Still absorbing the tips......

6:20 am Friday, 6th November, 2015 Fetch1

Miss Valiant.... Mr Brown here,have there been any messages for me ? xx

11:55 am Friday, 6th November, 2015 MrChickpea

I do believe the Rut has started! ;-)

7:42 pm Friday, 6th November, 2015 swingermlk74

Sharing is caringimg src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

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Simple guy who just wanna have FUN