Porn Is Fiction! It just doesn't take that much effort to achieve the famed Orgasm.

11:28 am Thursday, 1st October, 2015


I think one of the biggest misconceptions of our day is the thought that porn is reality. Life would be so much simpler for most men and women if there was a Federal Warning on pornography. It's a shame that most young men, and maybe a few young ladies, learn all they think they need to know about sex by watching pornography.
I gave up pornography a few years back not because of any moral issues but mostly because it's so unrealistic it bores me. I don't know if I've changed or the story line behind most adult films is the culprit but regardless, porn just doesn't do it for me anymore.
I'm one of those guys who always has to improve the wheel. That being said, intimacy is no different. I used to work at pleasing my partner so hard that it turned something that should be an amazing experience into a chore. After a few years of patient partners I finally came to the realization that women really aren't that different than men. They know what they like and they know what it takes to get them over that hill. As a man, the only thing I have to do is 1) Pay attention 2) Be patient and 3) Allow my partner to be secure in taking hold of the reigns.
Now I realize none of this is rocket science but ironically as simple as it sounds there remains those adamant individuals who swear by their repertoire of licking an alphabet or dropping them in from the ceiling. I'm sure there's a time and a place for both of these things but usually if my girl wants either she's got no problem saying, "would you do this tonight?".
I'm testing the waters for this blog to see if it even reaches anyone interested. I'm always open to constructive criticism so by all means if anything I write about is inaccurate please let me know. I promise I won't bite your head off.


12:29 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Great acronym SPT! I was hoping that this blog wouldn't come off as arrogant or even suggest even a hint that I was all knowing or have all the answers. Things have DEFINITELY changed since I was a teenager and I honestly wish someone would have taken the time to lay down the KISS principle to me. I was so busy mimicking the scene from American Psycho that I never took a moment to just be and see what happens.
To think that all that effort I used to exert did nothing but frustrate both my partner and me still makes me grimace. It does evoke a small internal chuckle though when I'm with a woman for the first time and they sing my praise about "why didn't all their other boyfriends do it that way?" not knowing that basically all I did was stick something out img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif" and then remain very still so that they could in essence get themselves off using whatever appendage provided to them.
Funny that at the end of the day it boils down to what you don't do, rather than what you do.

12:51 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Thank you for the words of wisdom SPT. I do believe I will remain in the shadows for a bit out of habit though until I can get a feel for this rooms demeanor.. There's absolutely nothing worse than the new guy on the block moving in and immediately calling all the numbers at City Hall to implement changes he feels should be paramount before even unpacking his belongings or saying hello to his neighbors who've lived in the neighborhood the bulk of their lives.

1:18 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 freeforpleasure

Welcome to blogland Mymonkey. Interesting blog!

I do agree that the way sex is portrayed nowadays for younger generations is very different to the way we used to perceive it when WE were adolescents. Media has had a huge influence on this change. Porn can easily be accessed by all without restrictions.

The impact is so strong that apparently young men are even losing the desire for real encounters (real sex). Today's users of porn can force their release by watching porn in multiple windows, searching endlessly, fast-forwarding to the bits they find hottest, switching to live sex chat, cam2cam "action" or escalating to extreme genresl. It's all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, they become "bored" if they do not find better stimulation in real life or they can't even perform at much earlier age.

Furthermore, without guidance or education, I am afraid they think that what they see it is what it should be happening too Without realizing that there is no better way to be good at it than actually having sex and as you said being in tune with their partners. Trying to find out what they like or want.

I find quite accurate to say that in any context, to make a person feel comfortable is paramount. I think confidence to say what you want come with experience for sure but also is subjected to your partner's ability to really be interested in listening.

And plz don't remain in the

2:01 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

I'd walk through eternal flames of Hades for just a moment spent gazing upon such a beautiful mouth Miss Pleasure! I also totally agree with your point. I think that's the reason porn bores me. It may help to disclose a small part of my adult history that was paramount in my re-evaluation of life as I saw it many years ago. I worked as a trauma nurse for a number of years and found that in having to focus solely on my patient's, even to the point of often neglecting my own needs, I began to innately study those around me in a way I'd never known before. I could glance at a person and pretty much know their respiratory rate, recognize if they were suffering from a chronic ailment, as well as autonomically obtaining a baseline level of an individuals well-being simply by glancing at the for a few moments. The reason I feel this is of such great importance is that I no longer have an "on" "off" switch to control this impulse.
In a more personal situation such as one of romance I find that the body is rather tell-tale in regards to what it's feeling. Things like blanching of the skin, a small bead of perspiration coming down one's back, an increase in respiratory and heart rate, etc, can be very revealing as to whether or not I should make some adjustments OR should I continue to do exactly what I've been doing making very sure that I don't move so much as a muscle until the person I'm sharing this moment with, for lack of a better term, blows her load.
It's funny looking back on things to realize that one of the most difficult aspects of this entire growth cycle was learning to inhibit the brain and encourage the heart. One would think that something such as that would be so simple but upon deeper analysis I was fortunate enough to see that what was standing in my way of becoming a better lover was that nasty human emotion known as ego and there wasn't a chance ego was going to step aside and allow common sense to prevail.

4:50 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Oh I'm by no means suggesting censorship. I was just simply voicing an observance that there are actually people who believe porn is real. It's sad that things are what they are these days. Reality TV is fake, porn is fake.... I mean just the other day I had a guy trying to convince me that even wrasslin was fake!!!
Now I'm definitely not a "the world is flat" type of guy and I can find some sanity in the most deluded of conspiracy theories but come on... wrasslin may very well be the only thing that is true in this life! img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"
Oh and irony of ironies I was just having a discussion about the "disco stick" with a close friend of mine just two days ago. She was in need of one and I just happened to have one in my pocket and so I gladly offered it to her in a most diplomatic way.

10:13 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Marie, I agree. I don't really get much from porn but at the same time I'm certainly not condemning it. I think it's got it's place in this world and you'll start to see problems when one person's morality issues begin to trample the rights of another. To answer the question LM, quite simply yes I do think that people watch pornography and they do walk away from it thinking that the example in the video is the way things are. I'm willing to bet that this occurs on both sides of the XY chromosome. Most reasonable adults would know that pornography isn't even close to reality but I've seen examples not associated with porn that leave me scratching my head. For instance when the OCC reality show was going strong, I was making my living building vehicles. I hated telling people what I did sometimes because I would almost certainly have to spend time explaining some individuals that reality TV isn't really real and my life wasn't a glamour show, I was just doing what I did to make a living. I also lost a bet to a friend of mine who suggested I start putting models with some of the vehicles on my website. I thought it was insane to think that someone would purchase a vehicle simply because there was a picture on a website with a girl on the bike and that somehow planted a correlation in the mind that if they bought that particular vehicle they would most certainly find themselves having to fight off beautiful women because their motorcycle literally mesmerized women so deeply, they were defenseless against resisting the owner.
I know that sounds completely ridiculous but I saw it happen time and time again. Human nature seems to dictaste that when a thought is planted in the mind with enough reinforcement to give a hint of validity, the mind will go ahead and just file that thought under F for feasible.
MsssX, I didn't know if you were directing a question to me or just in general but if I'm not mistaken you were wanting to know if I ever had someone I was seeing watch me with another woman. The answer if you were curious would be no. I would hazard a guess that of the women I entered into a long term relationship with, 99.999% would have flipped at the site of something such as that. On paper they may have thought it would be a good idea but having it actually go down in their presence? I would imagine I wouldn't be here right now if that had ever happened. To be honest, I've never really had the desire to do such a thing as far as I remember.
I think I would be a little overwhelmed if I were to ever be in a situation like that.

10:18 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Woo, thank you for the chuckle. I just had a vision of a guy I knew in my hometown that made a habit out of showing up at your house at 2-3am and when you let him and his girlfriend in he was known to make himself so at home that he'd quite literally put in a porno. Unbeknownst to the poor individual he had awakened, the start of said porno was none other than the very guy playing the porno. img src="imagesadultemoticons027.gif"

10:18 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Woo, thank you for the chuckle. I just had a vision of a guy I knew in my hometown that made a habit out of showing up at your house at 2-3am and when you let him and his girlfriend in he was known to make himself so at home that he'd quite literally put in a porno. Unbeknownst to the poor individual he had awakened, the start of said porno was none other than the very guy playing the porno. img src="imagesadultemoticons027.gif"

11:01 pm Thursday, 1st October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Yes ma'am, very clear now thank you. To answer I guess I'm sort of a biofeedback machine of sorts. I tend to unconsciously lean more towards the domineering side when it comes to intimacy. It's nothing hardcore or demanding, it's just that I'm a pretty big boy and I've had partners exclaim that I pretty much just pick them up and move them around almost as if they were a ragdoll. I've never had a complaint about it thank goodness and even more fortunate that everyone I've had the fortune to share something like that with have all been very appreciative of my "nature" I guess. As for watching me, yes I've had some very attentive partners and I'm very lucky that's the case. At the same time, I've been compared to the character Hancock that Will Smith played in the certain scene where conjugation ensued and the character Hancock seemed to be rather errrr explosive? Since I've already been reprimanded once today I think I'll hold off on posting a link until someone tells me it's safe to do so but if you'll simply Google "Hancock Deleted Scene" under videos I'm sure you'll find the clip quite easily. While I'm so far off topic already I may as well tell you all thank you for such a warm welcome to the site.

5:32 am Friday, 2nd October, 2015 Fetch1

I never saw any porn as a child. My family was so poor, we couldn't even afford a pornograph !

8:39 am Friday, 2nd October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Amen Miss Valiant. SPT???? WTF? Your thoughts are almost as fragmented as mine but you somehow seem to always pull them together and make a valid point. I usually end up going off into the deep end where I proceed to marvel at a squirrel. Fetch, I've got something for you as well. It's got to be hard keeping a snare drum with you 247 not knowing when or where you'll need a rim shot. I found this little diddy a while back and I keep it on the desktop of my cell phone, just in case.

4:28 pm Friday, 2nd October, 2015 doktorzook

Real porn has 12 cylinders, a supercharger and ejector exhausts!

That American drivel where they spit on each other's bits for hours while the saxophone drones on are about as arousing as leftie mcbeard making a speach. ..

5:14 pm Friday, 2nd October, 2015 SunShineGirllUK

I have dare i say played with porn on occasion, but being of an age i'm fully aware of the fact that i't just a bit of light titillation and all a staged actshow. Personally i much prefer the feeling of skin on skin. and only every seen porn as a little form of amusement. Have to agree that American porn is some of the worst, no offence meant. but really it had to be said. French on the other hand and Japanese can be worth a brief watch,though neither holds my attention for very long either.
If it wasn't for porn i would never have happened upon this site so i suppose i should be thankful for it really, or should i? ;-) x

12:07 am Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 maturewoman2

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog - mymonkey4u, you should be commended for inciting such a great discussion on both the porn topic and your thoughts on sexual charged partnerships (not meaning to sound prissy, just appreciative)

1:01 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 Skebbie

Sorry I'm late, folks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the thrust (oops) of this blog seems to be that watching porn is totally non-instructive, and that any big butch red-blooded male is guaranteed to bestow multiple orgasms through a combination of brute force, common sense and sheer intuition :-) As a geeky weed, I feel I can add nothing to what has been discussed already.

I have to confess I am a fan of some types of porn. I know Luv2 has issued a disparaging statement about the vocal prowess of Japanese female porn stars, but IMHO I love the way Japanese women are so full-on in the sack. They don't hold back. Western women, on the other hand, tend to be too mentally occupied formulating the wording for their pre-nup contacts. Exceptions, however, are (of course) to be found :-)

The writer of this blog states that porn is fiction. In the sense that porn seems to idealize certain types of sexual scenarios and personal attributes, I would tend to agree. But the thing that really interests me about porn (as world-wide internet fodder) is the way that, in the last decade or so, it has influenced people's choices about what they do to their bodies. Of course many people will baulk at this idea, and hold out for "individual choice". But I really do think that porn holds a lot of responsibility for the bald pussies, heavy adoption of tattoos, and various other memes that are now rife on sites such as this.

Porn covers a massive range of genres, and - although I am by no means an apologist for Japanese porn - the sheer variety to be had therein in fascinating. However, I suppose the main reason I enjoy Japanese porn is fairly simple, i.e. the women are gorgeous, and I've been cursed with an aesthete's eye. Is there anything bad about watching a genuinely beautiful woman being brought to a (real) orgasm? To me, it's an affirmation of life.......(no really :-)

1:25 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 doktorzook

What if it wasn't fiction though? A Holywood telling of a true story, 'A quick bit if how's your father round the back of a skip in Bideford'...

1:55 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 Skebbie

DrZook: You're starting to sound like one of those moon-landing conspiracy theorists :-)

2:24 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 doktorzook

Nah I'm pretty sure the moon landings still doesn't explain the spitting though, why are the CIA so into the spitting??

3:39 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 Skebbie

DrZook: Exactly. And they've also made arse (sorry......"ass")-slapping almost obligatory too. Now it seems as though a Dixon rear entry alone is not sufficient: I've got to pretend to be a buttock-slapping dom into the bargain, otherwise all I get is complaints........(sigh).

4:25 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 doktorzook

Ah now, the arse slapping is actually morse messages for field agents...hidden in plain view and all that!

4:47 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015 doktorzook

Don't worry we're all safe...all beaurocracies are too incompetent to actually do any conspiracies!

2:34 pm Sunday, 4th October, 2015 doktorzook

Ah, but don't forget you need a passport for Pimlico. ..

6:09 am Monday, 5th October, 2015 Mymonkey4u

Oh ya'll don't EVEN want to get me started on conspiracy theories and big brother!!!! Watching network news is like watching one of those bad horror flicks where someone's getting chased by a huge crazy person wielding an axe and yet they have to stop and scream several times and fall down even more until the lunatic eventually catches them even though he's dragging a corpse that's shackled to his ankle.
Maturewoman, thank you for being so complimentary. You truly made my evening. img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif" .
Thank you to everyone else for the commentaries. I wish I could reply to some of the emails but everyone seems to have reached their quotas from the poor people prior to me responding to them. img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

Blog Introduction


Friends and more I'm single and free to move about the cabin.