Don't get me wrong, my wife was never the conservative, frigid nun type of a woman. In fact right from the very start of the relationship she immediately displayed how horny she can get. In fact the first time we ever had sex would make for a great post some other time. But for now, let us stick to the topic. She was horny but the thought of having sex with someone else other than me was enough to put her in a bad state. I guess this is true for most women specially here in our country whose supposed values are way up there. So my wife was horny but would only be horny with me. So, how did it happen that she is what she is now. Follow the blog and you will see. Till next time.
10:42 pm Tuesday, 1st September, 2015
Really!? Truth be told i'd rather stick pins in my eyes as we all have our own stories but choose not to bore everyone else with the details. :-) |
4:26 am Thursday, 3rd September, 2015
Sunshine Girl. Perish the thought that you would ever consider sticking pins in those beautiful " Come to bed " ,eyes of yours xxxx |
1:53 pm Tuesday, 26th January, 2016
img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" |
9:06 pm Sunday, 25th December, 2016
Hello,I am from Mauritius and would love to invite you here for fun. Please come over, I will assist you. |
2:09 pm Wednesday, 5th September, 2018
It's normal to get horny when she think about sex with another, arn't you when you think about other women? |