when age becomes more then just a number

8:40 am Thursday, 30th July, 2015


Groucho Marx said "You are as old as the woman you feel"
A little sexist by todays standard but i agree with the sentiment.
I find myself with people half my age and end up doing the things they do. I will certainly give them a run for their money.....not sure if thats me being fit or just the poor standard of health of the PlayStation generation.

All of here have made that decision, whether consciously or not, we all had to do it;
The decision on our preferred age range.

Recent events have made me call into question how i come to my personal decision and more so why i feel uncomfortable with certain age groups.

I have always found myself attracted to older women, not ashamed to admit it, i have no control over it, its who i am.
However its the younger age range i struggle with...i started off with it at 30 and have gradually increased it up. I am now toying with the idea of 38, 5 years my junior.

Why, i dont know, maybe i feel that being with someone maybe twenty years younger than me would make me feel like a dirty old man, correction, more of a dirty old man.

Now i dont feel old, look a little younger than my age and have most of my faculties still in place.
I do sometimes find myself making an involuntary noise when i stand and i have to pluck the occasional stray hair that grows from places where hair should not grow...they just appear overnight for no reason??

Maybe i shouldn't exclude the younger generation, there may be some females out there that have an older guy fetish? Who am i to deny them their desires (not really convincing myself, still sounds to me like a dirty old man!)

I am curious if anyone else struggles with this age thought process or how you got to your decision?

Please excuse me if this blog has been done previous, i did check into blogs archives and all i discovered was that i ended up a little disturbed and suffering from bad dreams! There are some strange people out there, no wonder i feel so at home here!


11:49 am Thursday, 30th July, 2015 SunShineGirllUK

I was having a similar debate with myself over the past number of months (my mind is a dark very strange place at times img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" )
But i think i feel most comfortable with people i regard as being at a similar point in their life and having gained the samesimilar life experiences as i, which i think puts us on a level playing ground (so to speak). If we didn't have anything in common then i can't make that all important (to me) connection with the person meaning it ain't going to work. Where as if we have common ground then the connection can lead to a very satisfying time for both people concerned.

While i have an age range that i think suits me, i may on occasion relax that range if the right person were to come along. Would never drop below a certain age as i'd loathe to feel like their mommy as my mothering days are done & dusted (well almost) as my darling daughter has flown the coup meaning FREEDOM is mine to enjoy once more :-) x

2:14 pm Thursday, 30th July, 2015 Skebbie

Careful, SueChris......we're straying too close to food posts again...... :-)

This is a good topic - a sort of variation on the age theme. In fact we touched on this towards the end of the "sex,lies and videotape" blog recently.

I think - like most middle-aged men at some time or another - I have toyed with the idea of trysts with 20-somethings, but as the years have worn on I suppose I've come to realize that it's not so much of the Holy Grail as I once thought. There really *is* such a thing as a generation gap :-) However, as I have a bicultural background, I've formed an impression that mentalfashion meme age incompatibility is more pronounced in the West than in the East. I honestly think that there is a higher proportion of young women in the East who are not particularly fazed by dating a much older man, and in fact see maturity as a merit, whereas in the UK you tend to get the "Eeeeewwwww no thanks grandad" sort of response.

My own preference is for women in roughly my age group who have taken reasonable care of themselves, but in UK - especially in the over 50s - they tend to be like gold dust. I'm not a super-fit handsome hunk and am fully aware of my physical imperfections, but unfortunately I have this mental impediment that compels me to conjoin only with the types of women I think I "deserve" :-) Unless certain physical criteria are ticked - no matter how lovely they may be as human beings - then things won't progress to the physical stage. So yes, I suppose there needs to be a degree of physical lust.

Like Deborose I have a wide range of theoretical age compatibility, and have dated women aged between 25 and 51 in the last few years. However, those at the lower end of the scale were very mature mentally and definitely had a thing for older men, whereas those at the upper end were very well preserved. Clearly it would be a mistake to set age boundaries in stone because there is such variation in human aesthetics and character in all age groups. I think the bottom line is to simply get chatting, exchange some photos, and see what happens. Sometimes people who might otherwise be ruled out on age grounds can prove to be a very pleasant surprise.

6:10 pm Thursday, 30th July, 2015 SunShineGirllUK

'Five a day' Indepth? Oft i don't think i can get through five men a day may need to give that a miss lol :-) x

8:06 pm Thursday, 30th July, 2015 Luv2sucU

I still have a 'no younger than my eldest offspring' rule, but I don't think age is a clear indicator of sexiness, maturity or desirability. Far from it ... and that's all I'm saying about that :-)

10:20 pm Thursday, 30th July, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Sassy, you touch on an interesting point..
An older woman can go with a younger guy and nobody bats an eyelid. Yet an older guy with a younger women... Its the difference a young man wanting to be with an experienced woman or a dirty old git.
Age and sexiness are two separate subjects and sexiness is definitely subjective and i am sure has been blogged previously.

11:56 pm Thursday, 30th July, 2015 Skebbie

I think that when people in the UK imagine a young Eastern woman with a much older Western man, many would automatically assume that it's a financial arrangement. However, I can assure you that in Japan this is not necessarily the case.

7:05 am Friday, 31st July, 2015 Welcumdstraction

I can understand that in Japan the culture would dictate an older man is desirable, it is an instilled cultural behavior to look up and admire your elders or authorative figures.
One that maybe has been long lost in the west.
And skebbie, you did mention that this subject wss touched upon a few months ago in another blog...i seem to recall another blogger getting a little bit offended and stating he may as well be euthanized..... I haven't seen Chocolatelover blog for a while now, i do hope he didn't purchase that one way ticket to Switzerland.

As for the mail order bride scene, it still boils down to the same thing that in the uk the perception of an older guy with a younger girl is "dirty old bugger".
This has what has driven my thoughts of how many years younger can be consconsidered acceptable before you enter the dirty old man status?

11:29 am Friday, 31st July, 2015 Skebbie

I think there's a tendency for westerners to think that their culture is the definitive one, and that to which all other cultures must aspire.Perhaps it's a throwback to missionaries and imperialism. Likewise with sexual behaviour and relationships. Sometimes westerners can't think outside their little box.

5:59 pm Friday, 31st July, 2015 Welcumdstraction

I was not suggesting that a society as a whole is what we should aspire to and as is correctly stated the mindset of revering your elders can be found across much of the east.

Back to the blog in hand...
Sassy, there are many men that give the male bravado, "cor, outta two, i'd give her one" and from experience those guys are all hot air.
At the age of nineteen i was more than happy to have sex with a married woman in her early fifties. Apparently i was her first outside of her marriage?!?
Turned the other way now, hmmm, nope, just couldn't do it.
I am also a bit concerned about the "quick 2 minute shag".... Is that considered quick then? I mean two minutes...i wouldnt have planned to have done it twice!

10:26 pm Friday, 31st July, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Sassy, just a mere woman, i do believe not...
As for what i can do in 5 minutes?
Hmmm....i think answering that would let you into my deepest darkest fantasies, best not to go there as i am not sure there is enough amitrptaline to sedate those that read it to prevent their mental anguish!
I used to be able to run a mile in that time, alas no longer as the zimmer frame does not go that fast.
I can cook a cheese and cream soufflé in that time
Or i could do it twice and catch up on three minutes sleep.

7:54 am Saturday, 1st August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Maybe its a conspiracy by the scientists,
I work with enough of em, devious bunch of deviant's!
They must have realised by setting the peak age at 18, only the youngsters were getting a shag.
By increasing the male age and reducing the female they have found that older scientists can have sex with younger women.
I reckon the age will keep changing as this scientist gets older, before long it will say men peak at 43 and women at 18.......
Which then answer's my theory, all men are dirty old gits!!!

Sassy, thanks for the compliment. I can do more...
I can also make a perfect G & T whilst cooking the soufflé.... Need i do more!

11:01 pm Saturday, 1st August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

I have been known to bring a room full of women to climax with my soufflé all at the same time.
Now that is multitasking!

6:48 am Monday, 3rd August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Thanks for noting my originality,
Probably not the best compliment I have ever received but graciously accepted all the same.

The soufflé is a cheese soufflé served in a cream sauce, extremely rich and melt in the mouth.
A variety of textures and flavours which stimulate the brain and raise emotions, in a similar way to good sex.

1:43 pm Monday, 3rd August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Lillie, the G & T is definately an aperatif,
Needs a nice glass of cholled Burgundy for the Soufflé.

Food and age analogies, some of those work well like a fine wine or a well aged whiskey...
Suechris, think you are right about the cheese though.....i would definately give someone a wide berth that smelt of reblouchon or was covered in blue veins....Yuk...

Its bloody typical though,
Women have lusted over me for years for my kitchen abilities, come to a sex site and the same thing happens!!!
Seems i am only wanted for how well i use my implements in the kitchen.img src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif"

2:31 pm Monday, 3rd August, 2015 Dejo

I know how you feel mate, but hey at least one purpose in life.
Recall cooking a lady a nice bit of fillet, in a beautiful wine sauce flambé, served with all the trimmings.
Her response- you got any brown sauce ! FFS

9:43 pm Monday, 3rd August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Wash in g machine.....
Was hing machine?????
Nope, sorry..not sure that word appears in the male vocabulary.

6:58 am Tuesday, 4th August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

So that thingy in the back room ain't a tv showing reruns of crap 70's psychedelic tv shows.
At least i know now not to put my crockery or high heels in it..
I love this site, it is a mine of really useful information...
I would be totally screwed without you guys to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Thanks....big hugs.

10:45 pm Tuesday, 4th August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

High.......... Oh yes, every friday night down Old Compton st.
but with my effeminate feet, no need for the wide fitting shoes!

10:41 am Friday, 7th August, 2015 Dejo

Very eloquent and articulate in your explanation openislancpl. However in my particular case, while I'm happy to chat away with anyone anywhere whatever the age group, I'm afraid that's all
The thought of having a liaison with someone younger than my daughters is - just don't go there ! It doesn't mean to say that I'm right and everyone else is wrong, not at all. It means that we are all different and that's the wonderful part of the lifestyle that we choose.
You meet all kinds of people, each one wonderful in their own right.

11:40 am Friday, 7th August, 2015 Skebbie

Frankly I've never been able to understand this mental taboo of having sex with someone younger than your sondaughter. As long as they are not *actually* your son and daughter (haha....) then why worry? I'm not particularly hung up on very young women and don't fantasizeplace them on a pedestal, but if it just so happens that there is a great mutual feeling, then it's one of the nicest compliments life has to offer. And yes, I agree with openislandcpl......that dynamic can be very special for the reasons mentioned. It has not happened often to me, but whenever it has, it has been memorable.

2:10 pm Sunday, 23rd August, 2015 Welcumdstraction

Openislandcouple, thanks for the opposing opinion.
I geuss that we all have our likes and dislikes and that variety is what makes life meaningful.
I was thinking of Hawaii as a holiday destination, the surf and scuba particularly appeal,
One question, which mall do you recommend i frequent? ;-)

10:59 am Sunday, 13th September, 2015 Welcumdstraction

in that case i would suggest a tube of preparation H over a 20 year old.
You could even crochet a little basket to support the said farmers in....mmmm, nice!

Waikiki is looking more and more promising for next year, seems far more stable than the middle East where i am meant to be going.

11:20 am Sunday, 13th September, 2015 Skebbie

Welcum: Can recommend Hawaii. Forget the Middle East. Yes it's a helluva slog from UK but a great destination for hols, and there are no jabbering foreigners or language stress :-)

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