Tell Us The Spookiest Thing That Has Ever Happened To You Blog Discussion

1:27 pm Monday, 22nd October, 2018


Hi all,

We get that we’re usually banging on about sex, sex, sex and we know that you love it, let’s face it, it’s what you’re on the site for. However, as Halloween fast approaches, this is genuinely an exception where we want you to share your personal, creepy experiences as opposed to your sexcapades.

Picture it now...A derelict, cobweb-laden house in the deepest, darkest trench of the woods which seemingly stretch on without an end. The feeling as though you are the sole human being left on the planet, forsaken to your fate of having nothing left to accomplish but wandering aimlessly through trees in search of normality. As you investigate the contents of the looming, sombre structure, a dark figure stands before you. You attempt to breathe in but you’re enveloped by an atmosphere so thick and unforgiving, it feels like even despite the incomprehensible silence of a birdless sky and lifeless woodland, no one would ever hear you scream…

Perfect place for a spot of outdoor fun some may quip! However, mind out of the gutter for just a teeny moment and take yourself back to the creepiest memory you have and share it with us, we want to be scared!

Have fun...muahahaha

M x


3:18 pm Friday, 17th April, 2015 averagejoe99

Maria we will truly know that you are one of us when even your blogs start to be eaten by the BM.

Is there an age limit to skinny jeans that should never be broken? Maybe there could be certification on clothing garments "ONLY TO BE WORN BY PEOPLE UNDER 30"

I.D. may have to be produced at the checkout to prove you are young enough........

10:11 pm Friday, 17th April, 2015 averagejoe99

I'm not sure I would ever look good in skinny jeans even in my 20's BB! I will grow old gracefully in my slim fits. Much less suffocating & claustrophobic anatomically for an old git like me ;)

4:16 pm Thursday, 25th October, 2018 ClaudiaBelfast

Waking up from emergency open-heart surgery.. as I try to look down I see myself laying in a hospital bed, with tubes sticking out of my chest. My only thought after that was: How long was I dead... Nobody ever answered me that question, neither doctors, nor nursing staff.

4:29 pm Thursday, 25th October, 2018 Charlieonelee

Yrs ago...i used to go deep into the woods..and stroll about...Naked..wandering a little farther then i should have..i walked right into a group of campers...i saw the heads pop from the tents...the next thing i heard was one of them saying ..GET EM..! i felt my hair stand up as i took off like a deer...i was in good shape then..i ran fast and far....i saw a pile of leaves and dove in...i was so scared...oh god please dont let them get me..i could hear them talking..around me...hoping they wouldnt .see me under theese leaves...they left and so did i...releived...everytime i hear that song Running bear i think of that night.......lil bit funny now to me...wasnt

8:22 am Tuesday, 30th October, 2018 sargeinparadise6118

The creepiest men are the married men.  I am new at this but i'm not going to fuck up a marriage 

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