9:05 pm Wednesday, 11th February, 2015


Well, I am sure everyone here is always expecting to meet someone. We have already established that the criteria could be different for different people but at the end, our goal is to meet a person to have a pleasant encounter, or a mind blowing one.

Therefore, I assume you chatted, you exchanged pics, you built rapport and finally, the day to meet is close. You are getting excited, dream, buy an amazing piece of lingerie, and is expecting the best.

Then, something is wrong, the person vanishes, he/she does not reply messages, or even worse you end up waiting and nobody shows up.

Yes, it has happened to me. Therefore, I was wondering what has been the craziest excuse you got (if any).

Here is the one I was given: "I was driving and suddenly I was taken to the hospital to have surgery. I was recuperating for two weeks at home and I had forgotten my phone in the car for two weeks"

I know what you must be thinking...Poor guy!! Well, the problem is he has got my e-mail too and other means to get in touch with me. Should I believe him? Should I even bother to check?

I am looking forward to hear the ones you may have got, if they were true and if you believed them.


10:40 pm Wednesday, 11th February, 2015 eroticgoddess

OK....Brace yourselves.

1-I was leaving the pub, saw someone breaking into my car so punched him, my phone broke in the process, and I was arrested and in jail.

2-I was driving and got cut off, so I started swearing at the guys, they pushed me off the road and stabbed me. It hit an organ that has something to do with blood, and I was rushed to the hospital. It got infected and it was thought I wouldn't make it for X amount of weeks. (He did show me his scar on cam a few months later, and there was in fact a red scar at spleen level).

3-I'm travelling in a remote part of Finland for 1-2 weeks. Will contact you when I'm back. (Nothing more. I think the reindeer got him. Or maybe Santa's elves?).

6:01 am Thursday, 12th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Ladies: I was laughing hard with your responses and I thought I had a really bad excuse there.

Lillie: Definitely her lost, but yes so infuriating, right?
Cristal: I definitely needed to check if it was the same guy...:)..Phew! he was not...
Miss Goodnight: I am not sure anyone can top up aliens...hahaha img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"
Eg: We should have a blog, the invisible men. img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"
Ronald: Kisses but at least women just dissapear and don't come up with those

6:29 am Thursday, 12th February, 2015 Skebbie

How about "I've just been diagnosed with Chlamydia" ?

Even if it was a lie, it certainly had the desired effect :-)

11:19 am Thursday, 12th February, 2015 Chrisnich

The best one was I cant make tonight as I been doing my hair and it's not dry yet so can't come out and see you. It was a classic that one.

10:40 pm Thursday, 12th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Ronald. She knows nothing...there r one million men but only one Ronald right?
Chris. My hair does take a lot to dry fue to the amount but no way i stop a date for it. Anyway wild and wet is better.
Silly. It is defo his loss. I tend to be an eternal optimistic unyil people prove me wrong. No second chances. I expect to be treated the way I wud treat anyone. With respect. img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

11:29 pm Thursday, 12th February, 2015 YeahYeahYeah00

Best one for me was an impulse meet late one evening, a good hour drive for me...a first time meet with this girl so a bit of apprehension and get a phone call when I was 5 mins away saying I could only come in if I had arrived with hard drugs....I hadn't. It didn't stop there, a phone call 5 minutes later when I was quickly driving home saying 'Ok you can come without the drugs, but my cousin is here, and I quite fancy him, would you like a threesome'......... ERR NO!

11:06 pm Friday, 13th February, 2015 Dixy691

Im a newbie and not met anyone yet..however I'm sure to be stood up or escaped sometime and when I do I will certainly share...had a good chuckle at all the escuses..its their loss !! And be grateful you didnt give them the pleasure of you...they didbt deserve ya'll...nothing as nauseating as a wuss!!

11:41 pm Saturday, 14th February, 2015 doktorzook

In hospital with tonsillitis. And it turned out she actually was, I went visiting with lucozade and everything!

5:03 pm Sunday, 15th February, 2015 rigger101uk

Good heavens Sillysausage - mention of Beetham made me perk up quite a lot then. Buxom, red hair and a fine horsewoman she was.

I am going a little gooey at the thought of her..

Apart from that it is not so much a no show as one of those moments - I was contacted late a night to join a couple. A frantic drive through the midlands ensued, eventually arriving at the house, where hubs met me and took me in. The pair of us bounded up the stairs where Mrs was in bed and naked.

This is Rigger he said

Who is Rigger she said

He is the second chap you have always fantasised about.

It was at this point that it became crystal clear that there is a world of difference between fantasy and reality.

As they used to say in the News of the World - it was at this point that I made my excuses and left, she was clearly a teensy bit less than impressed and was making that quite clear to him...

6:00 am Monday, 16th February, 2015 Fetch1

I died last week.
I had to take the cat to the Vets to have his boil lanced.
The ship I was travelling on ( RMS Titanic ) struck an iceberg.
Carol Vorderman has forbidden me.
I lost my willy in a game of Poker
I have just enrolled as a Psychopath Heh,Heh,Heh !
The Russians have invaded.
I'm really Ed Miliband ..and no one likes me anyway.
The tunnel I was digging out of prison was messed up by some fracking workmen.
The camel I was riding,lost it's way in the Sahara Desert.
I'm ringing you from the Moon.
The lessons in Welsh aren't going as well as expected.
I left my heart in San Francisco.
I can't walk 500 miles.I'm not a bloody Proclaimer !
The Big Bad Wolf has blown my house down.
I've just discovered on Ancestry Dot Com that I'm Adolf Hitler's Great,Great nephew and I'm going through an identity crisis.
All reasonable and plausible excuses,wouldn't you agree ?

10:08 pm Monday, 16th February, 2015 holstenpils

ive had two excuses both quite amusing if i ever had the urge to be a stand up comic im sure i could fit them into my routine.....first one was on the way to the car i slipped on dog shit head butted the pavement had concussion and forgot who i was for a week......second one was i was on my way too meet you but got caught short so nipped behind a hedge to take a piss and in my hurry to get to you i trapped part of my scrotum in the zip and had to head off to a&e i was freaking out and in so much pain i completely forgot to msg you............i wont name and shame you but you know who you are your lucky the excuses made me smile...x

3:22 am Saturday, 21st February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Zedabroa. Too much work. if it had.happened to me i wud have already.just to prove my innocence if I really care. I just hope whoever is reading the replies make up better excuses next time lol

7:10 pm Monday, 23rd February, 2015 Nijx114

so is all this a waste of time when people do not want to face reality and only act in fantasy?

11:09 am Tuesday, 24th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Awwwww Graham, Well if I had been given that excuse, I would have not believed it....hahaha

I am glad you are ok though. I would miss you lots. img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" And, it is always better to have an exciting accident that being at home eating kitkats, right? Maybe not...:)

3:30 pm Tuesday, 24th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Indeed caitlin, I think it would be a great blog too. The people who actually DO show up, keep their promises and are finally real. I am just sending my respects to them...Anyone near Beijing? LOL

3:30 pm Tuesday, 24th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Indeed caitlin, I think it would be a great blog too. The people who actually DO show up, keep their promises and are finally real. I am just sending my respects to them...Anyone near Beijing? LOL

4:18 pm Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 blackthrobbinator

grr dont even start on this thing .. the frekin excuses ..i mean u try and do the supposedly safe socials .. cant even turn up to that.. so what chance have we got for actual other meetsimg src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

5:16 pm Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 manhon

Hard to listen that, i am serious! I never will do that!! But there are some virtual men?

So wanna meet me soon in Beijing or spain!? Lol

5:55 pm Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 freeforpleasure

Manhon, I would say Beijing for sure just so u can prove that they are serious men in the site's

7:29 pm Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 rigger101uk

I feel the need to travel to order to lead Lubelle astray and spend yet more money in the lovely Aldstadt!

10:00 pm Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 onlysexual

Lmao ...could not stop myself from writing this. I am glad that I am not alone who has faced this. I have had a couple of close calls where the lady kinda chickened out.

1. First she calls herself a spare tire ... something akeen to being an option on the side and when I reciprocated saying that I am no different as an option for her ... she gets furious and next thing you know she has vanished after passing on enough expletives that I am sure will last me for a life time ...

2. Second one gets all excited about a weekend excusion to a nudist club and on the d-day stops corresponding all together. I still see her online and said hi to which she does respond but when ever I try to ask her about our excursion she goes incognito for a week or so before reappearing again.

3. Then there a otuer ladies who are keen to get me to spend on some scam websites or other dating sites and getting mad and abusive when I refuse to budge.

I guess like all of the other guys here I too am a kindered soul who is not gonna have experienced his sexual nirvana with a willing woman partner. Oh well! At least I do have a good hand and my toilet bowl is ever so accepting ...

5:07 pm Thursday, 26th February, 2015 manhon

Gracias a ti img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

11:18 am Friday, 27th February, 2015 PussyPleaser9

I feel your pain and think there are way to many fake profiles and stalkers on this website. But the thing that really ticks me off is how the same women keep looking at my profile every single day but refuse to contact me, what sense does that make.

11:19 am Friday, 27th February, 2015 bathdog46

after reading all this I don't believe meets really happen!!!

12:03 pm Friday, 27th February, 2015 PussyPleaser9

Yeah bathdog I have been on this site now for a month and a half and haven't had any action what so ever. Only people playing games.

12:08 am Saturday, 28th February, 2015 newowner

Try.....sorry I didn't get in touch on friday but I died on thursday night and couldn't find a medium ! Truth is stranger than fiction as more than me apparently know! Dates are dropping like flies! Im getting a bit paranoid that its because I'm ugly, old and an orphan! Have a great weekend people !

12:43 am Saturday, 28th February, 2015 newowner

Afterthought.....Does anyone else get lonely when they STOP talking to themselves?? Just me then......

8:30 pm Saturday, 28th February, 2015 foxy23d

Come on guys there are PLENTY of girls for real meets on here! If at first you don't succeed try and try again........... BUT I to had fakes and totally pissed off when you book hotel & you get a message, "can't get a babysitter!" Arh ..... then their profile gets deleted! And for the ladies, on the flip side I had a bad fall just after Christmas and was put out of action with a bad back (hairline fracture) , so I can see both sides of the debate ..............

1:03 am Sunday, 1st March, 2015 newowner

I just wanted to acknowledge the courage of all those on this site who include a real photo of themselves. I haven't got the giblets for that. It took me 3 days to decide how to dress my avatar!! All of us to some degree are just afraid to be ourselves and for that reason I have decided to come clean by admitting my real name is not Newowner, in the hope of meeting more genuine people!! Have a nice Sunday folks Yours Sincerly R U Wise

1:14 am Sunday, 1st March, 2015 newowner

Another afterthought. Never type without wearing your glasses! I did nt mean to type f******avatar,, I meant to say I was so undecided how to complete my profile that it took me 3 days to DRESS my avatar. Apologies, I'll leave you all in peace.

1:28 am Sunday, 1st March, 2015 newowner

I HATE this keyboard!!!!! It took me 3 days to decide how to dress my Avatar !!!! Thats all I was ridiculously trying to say !!! And yes, I know I should have taken my medication! Funny how I always thought life was to be enjoyed, not endured !

1:43 am Sunday, 1st March, 2015 freeforpleasure

I have been reading with attention all the stories. I laughed with some, was surprised with others and even shocked with one or two. Some people felt frustrated too and voiced their comments here with reason.

I felt compelled to say that these are indeed examples of people who have not shown for a meet. However, I know for sure there are many people who do show up. I was unlucky with one but I have read the reviews and chatted with lots of people and they do get to have a great time.

I am not an expert giving advice but I do think that men in general are impatient. I think your chances of meeting couId increase if you blog, if you have got pictures, if you chat in the main room but especially if you cam and you set certain rapport for a little while.

Still, I am hoping to hear more stories. I thank you all for taking the time to read and write comments.

12:20 pm Sunday, 1st March, 2015 onlysexual

I understand the need to build a rapport freeforpleasure. But I am a busy guy during yhe day times. By the time night sets in and I get online on 34 sites and try to get 'connected' I seem to miss the entire range of willing people and keep attracting scammers. Does my profile leak about my desperate need to get a wild and satisfactory sexual encounter? lol ... maybe ... and then there are women & men who seem to have it easy on getting what they want.

Another thing that I have noticed is most of the women and couple that are looking for men want nothing to do with a separated guy especially men like me.

About uploading pictures, yeah I agree to that point. I have uploaded pictures in all of the sites that I regularly visit and I have been trying to do so here too but for some lame reason my pictures refuse to get uploaded. Its kinda like thy have suddenly having a mind of there own ... img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif" ... it does get frustrating ...

6:16 pm Sunday, 1st March, 2015 onlysexual

I agree with both of you lillieg and sensualself. Yeah! I do feel like a f***ing idiot for not being able to do a simple thing as uploading my picS all the more so as I am an IT professional ... I guess a dumber version of me here not being able to figure it out. Not sure what is wrong!!! Anyways, I think we better get back to posting our responses to the original blog content, shall we? img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"

7:39 am Monday, 2nd March, 2015 onlysexual

**** Self appraisal **** lol! Yay, finally managed to upload my pic ... dumbo ... and now hopefully I will get to img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif" and img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" and wiggle my img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif" . Hope is what has kept me going for the last many years ...

4:37 am Friday, 6th March, 2015 freeforpleasure

Well, at the end of the journey of a good blog and amazing replies. I would like to say the following. I have not lost all faith on this site. I just have to be more cautious, less gullible and I would add this to my head. I should really chat to more people because I have understood that not all what glitters is gold. Some people seem amazing and they are not and some do not seem to and they surprise you.

I am already excited about coming to the UK. 4 months and counting! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

7:42 am Friday, 6th March, 2015 freeforpleasure

Wo ting bu dong Mac LOL.....I wonder if Chinese would work as an excuse too....:P

About my trip to the UK, I am extremely excited not because I am planning any "meetings". I have lived in the UK for many years and so friends that I love, family and just the thought of traveling is always something I am looking forward to. Now, if I do have a meeting with someone to be together and have an amazing time, I would not mind. I am not expecting anything except great durprises and maybe meet some people I call "friends" here.img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

Pity you are taken :P but I am glad at teh same because you always seem happy.img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

1:18 am Sunday, 8th March, 2015 freeforpleasure

Cute one!!!img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" I think now 100s of people must be writing down NOR to be called to fix me (or my computer)...LOL..

4:00 pm Tuesday, 10th March, 2015 sexybear4

I think its funny that someone who has replied to this having a moan has failed to bother turning up to socials even after writing several posts on the forum saying how much they are looking forward to meeting everyone lol
Personally I have been quite lucky on here and met some genuine people. Also made some fantastic friends through socials and computer break downs lol xx

6:38 pm Tuesday, 10th March, 2015 sexybear4

My lips are sealed Cristal lol Plus have been here for nearly 4 years!!! xx

5:10 am Wednesday, 11th March, 2015 freeforpleasure

SB, I will not say I am not curious but I am wondering if this person was meeting a specific person during a social? I asked this because if so they he is defo a bad, not showing for a social to meet many people it could be a sign of shyness?

5:59 am Saturday, 12th September, 2015 freeforpleasure

I was reading this blog and I have to say it was one of the ones, I most enjoyed even though at that time my heart was broken.

I just came to revisit, because I got one more crazy excuse: He said he was too scared to meet as we could be parents....Hahahaha. I just wanted to have a coffee btw. I guess considering the excuse, it was safer that way :)

Blog Introduction
