You've got Mail

8:43 am Tuesday, 9th March, 2010


I get at least 15 emails every day in my internal mail box. These are usually from matches, I tend to ignore the non-match mail box.

Because of time management I can hardly open up all the emails, so I simply scan the subject lines and pick the promising ones.

That is what my blog post is about. Subejct lines. They can make or break your email. Let me give you an example of what is currently sitting in my inbox:
- Someone has send you a flirt (5 of those)
- Hi (3 of those)
- Hiya
- Hi Vicky
- Hi Gorgeous
- Dirty emails

Out of all of those I opened the Dirty emails,HI Gorgeous and HI Vicky one. How unorginal and rude are the just plan Hi or even worse Hiya.

Some of my favourite subject lines include - Lets hook up, love your profile, Lets chat
and last but not least you up for sex.

Blog Introduction


Fun & Fearless Female