I hate Valentine's Day

1:22 pm Tuesday, 4th August, 2009


Don't you just hate Valentine's Day . Don't get me wrong I'm not bitter because I'm single (i probably have more sex than people in a relationship).

I hate the 14th of February because it's so commercial. Greeting card companies, florists and restaurants make a killing while the pressure is put on the men to perform with the right gifts. Why do we need an industry to tell us when to say I love you?

If your single like myself and don't want to sit and sulk at home here is a few interesting ideas of naughty things you could do:
* Go into an apartment store and try on really sexy underwear, make sure that you don't close your compartment properly so that the other shoppers can take a sneak peak;
* Hang out in a cocktail bar and if someone asks to buy you a drink choose ask for 'Sex on the Beach' or 'Multiple-Orgasm';
* Visit a local outdoor fun spot and take strawberries and cream with you, invite the other doggers for a little desert;
* As you know by now I have a mask fetish, so what I do on a regular basis is to have a private swingers evening at my home, with everyone wearing masks
* Take a page from the movie American Beauty and put rose pedals on your bedroom floor, roll around naked with the webcam on.

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