Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

1:23 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014


There is no denying that we are all different: We look different; we like different things; we have different skills and limitations etc ... the list is long.

Each and every one of us was born to stand out in our own unique way, but unfortunately many of us find it's just easier to fit in, do what everyone else is doing, and get what everyone else gets.

Is it important to blend in with others?
Life can be a challenge if you're different ... eh ?
Is being different a bad thing?
You have to be brave in order to be yourself ... eh ?

Are you content just to do things the way everyone else is doing them or do you stand out like you were meant to?


1:55 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 had0k3n

Creativity is important, a creative mind can break through the boundaries of expectancy, it questions limitation rather than becomes bound within it. The real trick is to understand yourself and be true to what you understand, freely express positive nature within yourself and connect with those who feed and encourage that energy. I have found that those who are quick to pull you down are those who cannot connect to their creative energy and have trouble expressing honesty through their own embodiment of their spirit. The real difference i see between people are those who seek a natural fulfillment of a reward system through spiritual understanding and those whose only motorization is for image, ego and materialistic gain.

Have a great day :)

2:11 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Ooerr Yep that must sum up quite a few on this site who seem to enjo stroking their ego on a regular basis.

Well what can i say I'm Me....love me or loathe me,take me or leave me i am not fussed. There will always be some people we will get on with better than others. I can't be anyone but myself as that means i wouldn't be me and to be honest i wouldn't want to be anyone but me :-)

2:14 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 had0k3n

well said :)

2:21 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Note to self to sort out my sticky keys as that should read....enjoy stroking their ego. Sorry.x

2:24 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Ah but Ronald it is surprising what treasures can be found hiding in the shadows

4:10 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 makesyousmile

I'm so ordinary and normal that even the nutter doesn't sit by me on the bus!

Ah no oops! Now I get it, I am the nutter! img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"

8:07 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 Fetch1

I am glad to say that,after a lifetime of having to conform, I am in the happy position to be able to indulge my quirks and idiosyncrasies.
People who know me, recognize that my demeanout is to a degree a facade but it's great fun to able to do the unconventional without of course,doing harm to anyone and without any fear that one's odd-ball behaviour ,will have a detrimental effect on one's life.
Casual observers may query " is he for real? ",but what a jolly jape it is,keeping them all guessing.
Yours sincerely,
Gladys Hitler ( Mrs )

10:56 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 gerry2012

Do I agree.... Yes...and No!

Yes each one of us is an individual but the fact that as we develop as people we are influenced by other then we are inevitably going to share certain traits with others whether that be because we agree with our mentors or we rebel against them.

So in certain social situations we will stand out from the crowd but in others we may appear to be one of the herd.

I find that certain views I hold and certain interests I follow tend to leave me out on a limb when it come to social events however when I go to specialist shows etc I'm one of the herd all be it a small herd.

It always used to make me smile when I would watch programmes like X factor (freak show curiosity honestly) to hear contestants justify their individuality, I would think "but your in a line with about 2000 other fucking wannabe's" but of course we're only seeing a snapshot of their personality in one social situation.

12:54 am Saturday, 12th July, 2014 Skebbie

Had to smirk when I read the blog title: it could almost have been written for *me* :-)

Ever since I was a kid I had an aversion to conformity and ordinariness, and was always suspicious of fads and fashions, and of jumping on bandwagons. Deliberately swimming against the stream just to be awkward has always been something I couldn't stop myself doing. Probably my life would have been a lot easier if I'd just followed the herd, but then I would have hated myself. I'm not particularly "proud" of being who I am - it's something that I just can't help and it's probably hard-wired into my DNA (my Dad is somewhat similar). I sometimes think it's a kind of affliction or syndrome: I've got to question everything. Perhaps it's a form of OCD. So if I appear to go over the top on certain things in the course of blogging, please try and be charitable because of my "condition" :-)

7:34 am Saturday, 12th July, 2014 swinggo1

Well this is a really easy one for me!! I try to stand out in a "fit in" sort of way!! lol
Now let me explain, i am not very noticeable in that a really am Joe Ordinary, height, weight, looks etc, so i just blend in with the masses. However, once "fitted in" and one of the "gang" i am actually very different and then stand out!! Those that know me will hopefully recognise what I am referring to, and those that don't know me will probably steer well clear from the nutter!! lol

6:23 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 doktorzook

There's vodka here???

7:34 am Sunday, 13th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

I was a quiet child all the way into my late teens. I wasn't shy; I was quietly confident, but when you go to an all girls school, you learn certain self preservation techniques by doing your best to fit in and be part of the crowd. I purposely flew under the radar, in attempt to avoid attention from other girls and staff although it's true to say that I had a knack of finding trouble. I had a small group of friends and I suppose we were all a bit different because we all loved Maths which was apparently an essential geek criteria in my school in the eighties. To associate with us was akin to inviting a leper to tea. Let me tell you, we had the last laugh ...

The adult me knows who she is and I don't fly under the radar for anyone; you either take or leave me.
I'm now a self-confessed geek ... bite me!

5:00 pm Sunday, 13th July, 2014 Skebbie

Sadly man-geeks don't seem to hold much currency here :-(

6:40 pm Sunday, 13th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Skebbie you have patently been looking in the wrong currency exchange ;-)

7:23 pm Sunday, 13th July, 2014 Roger035

Sassy, there's only one rogerimg src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

6:18 am Monday, 14th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

To geek or not to geek; that is the question.
Guy geeks have currency alright. Does it for me anyway ...

Guys who are proud of who they are, what they are interested in and are willing to share that. Have you ever chatted to someone whose eyes light up when unashamedly talking about something 'geeky' they are passionate about? That's sexy!

7:25 am Monday, 14th July, 2014 doktorzook

But what is 'geeky'? Is it anything that needs a bit of brain power and that others can find spectacularly boring with no effort? Football statistics from the 1950's for example?

8:15 am Monday, 14th July, 2014 Skebbie

I always maintain that even if my face were to "light up" with enthusiasm over cosmology or oriental aesthetics, most UK women would rather go for the "geezer" I once described in my previous blog. Most seem to relate better to a good laff and a bit of slap and tickle than to a treatise on the Higgs Boson :-) Either that or they want to be tied up and "dominated" (whatever that means......) :-)

11:01 am Monday, 14th July, 2014 Skebbie

Yes guily as charged, Curvy. I'm probably too fussy and standoffish for my own good, part of which is attributable to this unfortunate trait I mentioned above. Maybe I should be more....er.....assertive with lady bloggers as you suggest 👍😆

11:06 am Monday, 14th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

Tied up and dominated?
I am so not 'fessing up!! I have gaffer tape holding my hands down right now ...

"Most seem to relate better ... ".
I have to agree, the fact that you are a fussy beggar has probably more to do with this than any absence of tattoos or willy piercings.

6:00 pm Monday, 14th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

Wilf, if I didn't think you'd enjoy it so much, I'd suggest MissGdn puts a ball gag on you and gives you a good thrashing.

7:08 pm Monday, 14th July, 2014 rigger101uk

Completely institutionalised from an early age. Ran away with the circus at the first opportunity (well the army anyway - but still quite a few clowns) and heeded my dads (national service) advice of being the grey man for a while before discovering that there was in fact a place for a free thinking mad fecker (or two) Survived as a warrior for ages. Imploded, changed direction but took with me all that I thought was good about the old life into the new one.

I now find myself with the most open of open minds and a determination always to try and do the right thing. Even on a tough day.

We were all made different and it is both our destiny and our duty to be individual and liberated. At the same time we are loaded with the burden of never knowingly crossing or upsetting anyone whos views do not correspond to our own.

Unless they are driving an Audi 3 ft from my rear bumper in which case all bets are off

10:24 pm Monday, 14th July, 2014 doktorzook

Maybe they were dog years??

8:05 pm Tuesday, 15th July, 2014 rigger101uk

Wilf you are right - but I am definitely in your live and let live category. These days I am definitely a cheek turner not and an eye for an eye-er.

As for saintliness it is nothing of the sort. All I am trying to do is lessen the spanking I am due to get when I rock up at the pearly gates.

7:25 am Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 Skebbie

Maybe if I tried random trolling I'd have more lack than trying to be sociable here......hahaha.....

7:28 am Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 Skebbie

Seem to be picking up a Japanese accent..........

OK I've got it sussed: Pick a dozen or so really attractive women on FB, slag them off with random insults, and at least one of them is bound to want to shag me.

9:06 am Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 Skebbie

Yes I've had a peep there on occasion, Curvy, and even recommended it to one of our other lady bloggers. The photographs are really good quality too. BTW your talent with the selfie has been rising to new heights recently.

7:43 pm Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 fq1983

bugger that im me im unique love me hate me its your choice but im my own person

9:49 pm Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 averagejoe99

You're all individuals!...

Yes, we're all individuals!

You're all different!....

Yes, we're all different!

10:00 pm Wednesday, 16th July, 2014 doktorzook

(I'm not)

5:53 am Thursday, 17th July, 2014 Fetch1

Leave Audi drivers alone !

6:34 pm Thursday, 17th July, 2014 gerry2012

"He replied that he'd never been so insulted in his life."

Maybe he doesn't get out much.

4:53 am Friday, 18th July, 2014 Fetch1

Sue " Deutschland Uber Alles "....." Alice was run over by a VW "
Given your prediliction for walking around with a bare bum, you might revise your thinking when you park it on the high quality leather seats to be found in a Audi A5 xxxxxxx

6:56 am Friday, 18th July, 2014 Skebbie

How about "vibrating lederhosen" ?
Ideal for the Lonely Goatherd.
Yodelay.....hee....hoooooo !!!

10:02 am Friday, 18th July, 2014 Slow4u

Lol, I had to laugh at Riggers bit earlier, "When I rock up at the Pearly Gates..."

I've thought about this too.. and decided I don't want to go through those gates...

'Cos I wont bloody know anyone in there !! :)

Gimme the sinners any day !!

10:24 pm Friday, 18th July, 2014 averagejoe99

That's why the goatherder was lonely Sue not exactly tea at The Ritz is it?

1:06 am Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Slow4u

I'm very fond of sheep. Very obliging they are.

You can have a damn good Sat' night out with one.. (well we all like 'outdoors' right? ) And still take her to sunday dinner the next day!!

Oh, I meant HAVE her for sunday dinner... oops. :)

6:41 am Saturday, 19th July, 2014 doktorzook

The goathearding was a noble if lonley calling, it was the yodelling that scared me!

8:01 am Saturday, 19th July, 2014 rigger101uk

...............is having a small Julie Andrews fantasy now......

10:33 am Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Skebbie

I always wondered whether Maria liked cunnilingus or DP. I think it was a glaring omission in the film and left me feeling half-changed.

12:56 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

I fear you have all consigned yourselves to the hangman for dissing a Rogers and Hammerstein classic. Sacrilege!

Wait until Fetch hears of this ...

1:08 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

Caractacus Pott! Is that you?

2:06 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

Baron and Baroness Bomburst?

You Chuchi, Woochi, Ooochi, Coochi pair. Get your hands off that car!!

2:19 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Skebbie

I always fancied myself as the Evil Child Catcher, except that I'd drive up and down the land with my cage and team of horses looking for the most alluring women in the age 30-45 range :-)

6:05 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

I'm saying nothing until the astrix fairies have done their thing and I can see your age thingy ;-)
Do you have a safe hiding place?

I've always fancied myself as Truly Scrumptious ... because I can be x

6:16 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

although I'm sure the real Truly Scrumptious could spell !

9:54 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 rigger101uk

Always been a Monte Carlo or Bust fan...

Dawlish snowstopper - ON!!!!!!!!!

9:55 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 rigger101uk

........is now having a Susan Hampshire fantasy.......

11:08 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 makesyousmile

Oh bugger Skebbie, you've done it now! Will never be able to watch chitty chitty bang bang without seeing you as the 'hot female catcher,

"Come along my lovelies" "I have nuttela, cream cakes and the latest Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, and all for free today!"

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Finger lickin' good and we're luvin' it ...