7:16 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014


I have no option but to make a Worldwide Public Appeal, as i have lost something of great importance and value

Alas this priceless item still remains unfound,even though i have searched up & down and in & out of every cheeky hidey hole i can think of. As this missing treasure normally helps me by allowing me to enjoy hours of pleasure, i am sure you will understand my deep longing for it to come back.


Any information on it's whereabouts?
Or how i can get it back?
All tips will be greatly received & warmly welcome.

Where oh Where is my MOJO?

I had it, i lost it, i found it and well it's gone again. If I or someone else find it maybe i should get one of those dog computer chips surgically implanted under my Mojo's skin. ;-)


7:26 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

On my Mojo's safe return i shall endeavour to pay more attention to it's well being. As nothing worse than losing your Mojo is there?

8:01 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 doktorzook

Have you tried standing on your back step last thing at night and calling it??

8:32 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 Luv2sucU

Ronald, you left yours at my place ;-0

8:33 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 averagejoe99

You should have a word with Muddy Waters ... He keeps singing that he's "Got His Mojo Working" ;-)

9:00 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Star i had it when i returned back to the UK.... though i did make the mistake of leaving my camera in the safe in the suite i had been staying in.

Doktor I have tried that as usually comes when called as it loves being petted.

9:08 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

When i write my chistmas shopping list i will try to remember to add a MOJO for you Ronald.x

Jeezo Joe you cheeky fecker, i'm not that bloomin old i'll have you know....muddy waters got his mojo back in 1956.

Graham i had one of those whistle things for my car key but alas i am not good a whistling....thank god i have a spare set of keys

9:13 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 doktorzook

I suppose you could stick some fat harry white on the gramophone and leave a bowl of chocolate out, that may help lure the little scallywag back..?

9:14 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 doktorzook

Oh, and I just checked in the yard here, the hounds haven't had it you'll be pleased to hear!

9:34 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Pepe if you happen to find it while searching for your missing Halo make sure you return it nice and polished please ;-)

I sure will try and believe Gilli.x Three times you say? (Red high heels are rather sexy don't you think?)

Doktor my Mojo is a fussy fecker and not too keen on chocolate.

9:38 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

I had plenty of Mojitos as well as Tequila while on holiday Porky and they were yummy :-)

10:08 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Gilli i find i walk better in heels after i have had a few drinks. Then if i fall over i wouldn't feel it anyway lol

11:00 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014 averagejoe99

Can you not set a trap for your mojo and lure it out with a nice single malt SunShine?

5:38 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 Skebbie

Gardening is good for that.
Keep pottering around trying to perfect your "wabi-sabi", and sooner or later your mojo will show up under a stone or nestling in a hedge. Once you've found it again, make sure you electronically tag it, so if it goes AWOL it will show up on the radar.

5:40 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 Fetch1

Sunshine Girl.I'd love to help you find your Mojo but there's little I can do,incarcerated as I am,in this police cell.
What have I been arrested for ? Er....dealing in stolen mobile phones,laptops.... and Mojos !

6:47 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 averagejoe99

StarG its a well known fact that mojos are attracted to a fine single malt..... As if I'd possibly suggest such a thing to SunShine ;-)

Fetch where did you hide that phone you're blogging with? img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

8:20 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

So correct me if i'm wrong....I need to wear red heels as i whistle while i potter around my garden searching under rocks & in hedges searching for stolen laptops,mobile phones and stolen Mojo's as i sip a cocktail which includes Tequila,whisky (fine single malt,no less)chocolate,mint and some of nonnas secret recipe....

Jeezo a shall give it a try and hope i find some lovely crown jewels as a bonus as it sounds rather like a bush tucker trial.

11:45 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 Fetch1

Gillibean xxxx Thank you for your timely warning about untrimmed bushes.As you have seen from my earlier comment, I was picked up by the fuzz.

1:35 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Frisky i nearly choked on my lunch...You must have had bigger Mojo's round your way as we used to get four for a penny ;-P

1:39 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Well now on the subject of "fuzz"...I have tried shaving(jaggy), i have tried waxing (ouch) i have even tried sugaring (double ouch) now i have bought an epilator and fear the worst that it is going to be AAaaahhhh ouch ocuh feckin ouch. img src="imagesadultemoticons009.gif"

1:56 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Hmm oil riggs, what were they Ronald or do you mean the ones in the north sea? lol

2:16 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 doktorzook

That cpuld be your proble right there ssguk...your mojo could well not like agonising pain, and at the very thought of the plucking machine has lagged it over the hill to live with the bears in the woods.

4:07 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 doktorzook

I'm sure my last comment was spelled properly when I sent it!!

5:26 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Hmm you could be onto something Dok....Though i will give it a try especially as Gilli said the pain is worth it for the end result. :-0

Though maybe i should take Skebies "Wabi-Sabi" advice ;-)

9:07 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Correct no need for any further bush tucker trials ;-)

10:04 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 averagejoe99

Did you fly over the Bermuda Triangle when you flew back from holiday SunShine?

10:18 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 doktorzook

Blimey a plucking then spreading wasabi on the area would make the old eyes water!!

10:39 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 makesyousmile

Sunshine, it is with much regret that I have to inform you haven't been looking after your mojo correctly, it has not been lost, misplaced or gone into hiding it has in reality,

The life of a mojo is a curious one, and very few facts are publicly known about the little critter that accompanies you through your life. It's actually part of a collective, and failure to nurture it and feed it with fun will result in It's departure and re-joining with it's brothers and sisters. (usually, it will join with a mojo belonging to someone of the opposite sex that is having lots of fun and feed from that individual until such time that it feels you are ready to give it a suitable home again)!

fear not though, It's quite a simple solution to coax it back. Begin the process by arranging a meet with a male member from this site, anyone will do as your mojo will sense what your up to and jump from person to person to come and check you out. If it see's that you are genuinely trying to put some spice back in your jar so to speak, hey presto mojo comes back! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

11:06 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014 Mystery666

Just lie back and have someone caress your mojo back to life again!!

12:15 am Thursday, 10th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Tut Tut guys.....Wasabi is a root condiment, i will stick to eating with sushi if you don't mind ;-P

" Wabi - Sabi " is a whole different thing altogether ;-)

12:22 am Thursday, 10th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

"Arranging a meet with a male member from this site, anyone will do"

Emm not just anyone would do MYS as i'm a rather fussy fecker. Though you never know if the right person offered my Mojo might come out of hiding ;-)

12:25 am Thursday, 10th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

* may come out of hiding even grr

7:33 am Thursday, 10th July, 2014 makesyousmile

Brigitte, looks like you've been reading them too much!

reading them too much!

reading them too much!

12:47 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Jeez Briggite i did read a couple but gor all flustered and blushed when he wrote about Miss L.....then realised he wasn't talking about me, whooft panic over.

Sassy i have have a lead to follow as it has been reported that AverageJoe was last seen fleeing the country with my stolen Mojo. I have offered a reward for it's safe return ;-)

1:29 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014 Zeus990099

Can I offer my services as your official MOJO attendant? I will look after it and give it my full attention.. Nurture it.. Develop it... Never let it wither and die.

9:43 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014 averagejoe99

You sure that's the real deal Sassy and not a cheap imitation you've bought?

SunShine I'm taking good care of it until a suitable ransom is paid ;-)

11:56 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

I am waiting for your ransom demands? Then i am sure we can begin negotiations Joe ;-)

12:20 am Friday, 11th July, 2014 Zeus990099

How do I apply for job as MOJO attendant? Do I need a CV And references?

7:22 am Friday, 11th July, 2014 averagejoe99

I drive a hard bargain SunShine.... You may need those mojo attendants yet! ;-)

12:52 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 averagejoe99

Broadsword calling Danny Boy StarG....;-)

2:01 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Jeezo Star(blushing)..... Say what you think why don't you ;-)

Frisky i fear your enigma code machine is in need of repair as i have a feeling Joe means cold hard cash rather than a good hard anything else

5:19 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

I hope you jumped onto your bike and rescued it for me Suechis.x

6:54 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 doktorzook

Have you started getting postcards from it yet in exotic places, such as Bradford, Taunton or Filey??

7:04 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Are you stretching the use of the word exotic to the extreme lol

But sadly i have not had any contact with the aforementioned Mojo for a number of weeks img src="imagesadultemoticons009.gif"

7:08 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

JOE thanks to SensualS i have a box of money that i will gladly exchange in return for my MOJO, will that be suffice?

7:20 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 makesyousmile

Sunshine! Don't you dare part with a single penny for the return of your mojo! Just tip me the wink and the boys will be round to pay 'Mr Joe' a visit!

They have some pretty persuasive methods! Tell you now warm custard in your underpants is not a nice thing to experience, and the things they do with a jar of pickles, well your a lady, you wouldn't want to know! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

7:27 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

SHHhhhh It's ok MYS but just between your kind self, SensualS and i....It's monopoly money. Huh then we will see who's playing games ;-)

7:56 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 Roger035

Sorry Sunshine, not seen it about, can be tricky buggers to find sometimes, but if I see it I will give it a good talking to and send it back home pronto!x

10:07 pm Friday, 11th July, 2014 averagejoe99

I'll accept the money SunShine if MYS chucks in the Custard as well..... He can keep the pickles though!

3:25 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 mugwump2008

i ate it img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"

3:25 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 mugwump2008

i ate it img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"

3:25 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 mugwump2008

i ate it img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"

3:39 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Mugs did you eat the custard or my Mojo or both? lol

11:01 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Mmmmm MissG i think my Mojo would be just fine and dandy if he just habbened to be in my bed WOW hot stuff

11:04 pm Saturday, 12th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

whooft even the though had me so hot an bothered i hit all the wrong keys lol

6:59 am Sunday, 13th July, 2014 doktorzook

Isn't he about as tall as...something not very tall? ?

8:41 am Sunday, 13th July, 2014 doktorzook

Ok...he's about 6'9" in that case!

10:46 pm Monday, 14th July, 2014 averagejoe99

Heard he was going to be an Ewok in the new Star Wars film MissG ..... Sorry!

Did you get your mojo back SunShine? I left it in a plain brown envelope in the designated place. The money was useful but the Custard was crap. Hardly up to Ambrosia standards MYS!

12:14 am Tuesday, 15th July, 2014 BigGirlBigFun

I found some marbles in the street a few days ago.. kicked them into a drain. So sorry Graham xxx img src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif"

7:19 am Tuesday, 15th July, 2014 doktorzook

And then it occurs to me...yoy could just go down the newsagents and buy a copy if this month's some white stripes on the cover cd apparently!

7:47 am Tuesday, 15th July, 2014 makesyousmile

Average, you fool, that wasn't custard! It was a tub of yellow emulsion paint I'd bought for a customer. Hope you didn't eat much of it! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

9:06 am Tuesday, 15th July, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

I've been listening to radio while i work for reports of an AverageJoe being rushed into hospital after consuming a large amount of emulsion paint.

Yep Joe by jove i got it....Thank you kindly for it's safe return, it is now Safe and sound, fitted with an electronic chip in case it vanishes again and locked in my vault. It will deffo take better care in future.;-)

Thank you all for your comments and joining in the search mor my Precious MOJO.x

8:11 pm Saturday, 19th July, 2014 frankatank

mojo's i remember when innocent boy were half penny sweeties lol. A fine looking woman might use mojo, code name for toy?, rabbit variety, do u have a pet dog, maybe its buried in the garden lol!

11:49 pm Monday, 8th June, 2015 Skebbie

Update: The FDA have just given the green light to "female viagra". Reading the small print, it seems research suggests it works better on some women than on others, so keep your fingers crossed :-)

12:08 pm Tuesday, 9th June, 2015 SunShineGirllUK

Nah, won't bother crossing my fingers Skebbie as i'm not about to start pill popping, much easier and far less risky to find a man that presses the right buttons and hits the spot than running the risk of unwanted and unwelcome side effects.

Anyhoo...... It wasn't my sexy mojo that has done a bunk, it's my blogging one that has vanished, well in truth i don't have the time to write and tend a blog as i'm too busy taking care of my sexy mojo ;-) x

Blog Introduction


Kiss my mind and my body may follow.