..can classic members reply to me?

2:23 am Sunday, 15th June, 2014


Can classic members contact me? I have 125 messages of 'I'm close get in touch' and I always reply, but then I've never received anything back. I was just wondering if there was a filter that I need to turn off to receive their messages


3:52 am Sunday, 15th June, 2014 Karen2013

We got the same Problem as Premium members but only had two replies here Down Under !

10:24 am Sunday, 15th June, 2014 eroticgoddess

VIP and Premium members have a set number of classic messages they can receive, as far as I can tell. Sometimes my first response to someone won't go through.

The "I'm close, get in touch" messages can come from anyone unless they reset their settings to stop them being sent in their names.

7:51 pm Sunday, 15th June, 2014 makesyousmile

Gillibean, shhhhhhh, don't wake it up! You know how grumpy it gets about anyone remotely suggesting 'there is something rotten in the state of Denmark'

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