Photo of your Manhood

7:59 am Sunday, 1st June, 2014


HI Ladies is it better to leave your cock of your profile or is it better to add it on. as i read a lot of women don't want us to send them any photos.


10:07 am Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Luv2sucU

I think penises are quite fascinating because I don't have one of my own, but just because they fascinate me, it doesn't mean I want to see photos of them in my inbox (you should read my blog re breakfast). If I'm curious about what it looks like, I'll check out your profile.

I can only speak for myself here and my advice is, never, EVER send me a picture of your cock unless I ask for it. You see, if I don't know you I'll start to form an opinion of you solely based on what your cock looks like. Ask yourself if you are ok with that (I can be quite cruel).

First I'd check out the background scene. EG, what room are you in? Guys seem to like bathrooms esp toilets which for many reasons scream "run for the hills"

Then I'd check to see if it is tidy; have you got washing drying on the radiator, is the bedding clean ... that sort of thing. If it's a mess, you're a slob and if it's tidy, you could be still living at home with mummy.

Then I'd check to see if you are still still wearing your socks (big turn off)

Then check for underpants which would probably be around your knees (also a no no)

Then I'd look at your chest (if it's in the shot). I like chests.

Then, and only then, if my interest is still there (chances are slim) will I check out your pecker, but not in a lustful way. Nope, I'd be looking for obvious signs of STIs and checking for rashes, sores, bumps, scabs etc.

Then, I may check out the size, but not in a judgmental way. Just a casual comparison as believe it or not we don't all want a super huge gigantic massive ones. As long as it’s proportionate to your body, it doesn't matter. On the other hand I could just be saying that to spare your feelings if you haven't been blessed in that department.

So as I say, if you're comfortable with that sort of inspection, go ahead - take the risk and send a photo.


Welcome to Blogland by the way.

12:14 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Slow4u

Phew... who would dare to include a cock pic to Luv2 after that??? :)

I reckon that most of the guys who send cock pics are just keen to show they have a big one, lol.

As for me, ahh well... (sob...)

1:07 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Here,here well said Luv2.

1:49 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 swinggo1

You are a tough cookie Luv2, but some are pretty good looking!! lol

2:19 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 swinggo1

Miss G. how shallow are you? lol
We know here your priorities are now too!!

2:41 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Luv2sucU

I'm not really a tough cookie, Swinggo. My friends know I'm a big softie (honestly); I just hide it well.

I do have to agree with you though - there are Indeed some good looking ones out there. I know quality when I see it (wink wink).

1:25 pm Sunday, 22nd June, 2014 yourpleasur

Thank you for all your blogs, i will not have a photo of my cock on site as i like to keep somethings private, and its best to keep photos of him out of harms way,as he is a perfect and would only piss all you boys off.img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

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